Friday, 19 June 2015

rude food

200615  00.09

what do you call a turkey made of quorn ... 

a roast quirkey ... 

healthy quornography .... 

Wednesday, 3 June 2015


300515 12.45 pm

things can kind of escalate 

with you wanting a bigger thrill 

020615   8pm

appreciating the trees and nature and company 

uninterrupted by a smartphone ... 

030615  pm 

searching Google at a dinner party 

on my smartphone 

to understand what people are talking about ... 

' no just replying to someone ' 


the technology that is supposed to be so convenient 

to help us communicate 

has become a burden, a barrier ... 

paranoia means you think people are thinking about you ... 

what you mean me ... ! 


there used to be people who couldn't operate computers 

now they are all using smartphones ... 

rude food


i notice if i have brown rice 

i make a smaller portion ...