Sunday 21 October 2018


trying to grasp at thin air  
where Mummy left 
my frustration knows no bounds 

the sweetest gentlest little deer of a Mummy
you could wish for 

want to hold Mummy close 
and feel her heart 

Tuesday 9 October 2018


" bananas are 100 calories each
so everyone was white
white and middle class , academic
and then bam this bomb goes off
and i fall in love with a violent Irish man

the doctor laughed at me
the police laughed at me
so i lied , radicalised, i don't mean I'm a terrorist
but i understand how you get that way

the only thing consistent about me
is my eating disorder

you couldn't live with yourself
if you cut him off
so how do you think it is for Dad ?
and what impact would it have on my nephew ?

i don't think they are well versed
in sexual abuse, and they should be
they opened up a chakra
a very powerful chakra
and i don't know how to close it down

how to get grounded,
sights, sounds, touch, smells
something real that you wouldn't get on the internet

how to close it down ? "

Monday 8 October 2018


in the 12 days of Christmas
my OCD sent me

6 tubes of toothpaste
4 loaves of bread
18 toilet rolls
14 boiled eggs
100 plastic bags
10 black sacks
50 plastic cups
40 pain killers
28 lemons
9 loads of laundry

5 pairs of tights
6 bars of soap