Thursday, 24 October 2019

241019 / 251019 

can you spot the stars 
in a hazy sky     
only there 
from the corner of my eye 

i think i found 
my inner puppet 

just a disembodied head

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Monday, 21 October 2019


hes a wonderful man 
he makes even the most mundane things 
sound fun and exciting 

Friday, 18 October 2019

161019 / 181019 

i just feel stigmatised
i  can't be externalising 
my mental health issues in public 

I'm seen as odd, 
my brain is squirming 
i feel that i stick out 
like a sore thumb 

Monday, 14 October 2019


Extinction Rebellion 
is about so much more that climate change 

the surveillance , internet, robots,   
they want to come together 
and glue themselves to mother earth 

feeling an amazing energy of connection 
passing between them 

Sunday, 13 October 2019


what about my right to identify as heterosexual ?
I find sometimes gay people are like
' come on , everyone is a little bit gay '
like they want to convert everyone

when they themselves have banned correction therapy
to make them straight

I do hae a couple of gay friends
I know where I am with them
and they dont give me that kind of pressure

while there are others to be honest I am afraid of
I feel harassed about my sexuality
I feel ' sucked in '

and its difficult to be ' inclusive ' with them
when they interpret my every move
as a romantic advancement