Friday, 28 March 2014

rude food cooking for one


todays wild risotto seems to taste and smell 

of forest mushrooms 

it was better after 3 1/2 hours actually 

and seems to take on magical healing properties

when it goes creamy ... 

like theres angels in your tummy 


what with the growing ranks 

of singletons how are we to bother to cook 

you forget how easy some things are 

like spag bog ... just an onion fried with some mince 

and a tin of tomatoes basically 

310314 1715 

the wild risotto needs about 2 and a half hours 

some of which is spend just standing 

with a cover 



wild risotto 

i tried making one last night with red rice 

it didn't appear to work 

until when i looked at it today had gone proper creamy 

maybe takes an hour to get the consistency 

proper nutty could do with some butter 



i wonder if the risotto principal 

can be applied to mung beans and nuts 

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Baskervilles Corner


her husband works for a 

company where you don't need a CRB check ... 

sure I'm not the only one 

who can decipher the smell in the car ... 

noon 080414 

i can't seem to envisage 

ljiving anywhere else 

perhaps my presence

helps to keep his pedohpilia in check 

i can smell the same smell 

somjetimes on the younger drivers 

and it isn't my fault her parents 

wouldn't let her wash and she was the girl at school 

who smelled ... 

artwork Ben Tree, Matthews Hell

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Baskervilles Corner

theres something i have to tell you dear .... 

im not like other guys 

I'm sorry ... 


and then one day 

her husband said he would touch her 

if she could get one up on the neighbour 

who he disliked 

for she was aware of his penchant for young boys .... 

Veronica version 9

Monday, 10 March 2014

Basett corner


i can smell her husbands venereal disease pants 


I've been woken by the pedophiles dog 

and having nothing going on in her life 

she settled down to write a book about her neighbour 


she was a laughing stock at her wedding 

all her family and his were sniggering in the back row 

knowing she was marrying a pedophile ... 

n he got what he wanted out of the marriage 

unlike her ... 

n to add insult to injury 

she was made to say it was her problem ... 

n perhaps this would make a good book 

ater all  ... 

Sunday, 9 March 2014

rude food cooking for one

meddling salad 

clutter stew 

nut pizza 

090314 1910 

cheeky chops 

doc pudding 


a ghost roast 


dads quail 

experiments and adventures 
knowing there is only me

spaghetti with peanut butter 

110314   2131

string along spaghetti 

strung along spaghetti 

with passata oil onions 

loophole hoops 

starry ngight soup 

fishy dish 

souped up chicken 





individual potted crab 

starry night soup ... inky borsch with pasta stars 

just so omelette 


nutter butter 


morning after leftovers 


the morning after roasting 

cheese omelette 

morning after grill 

morning after hangover dock pudding 

morning after curry flavour 


to make  jokes and to think playfully about cooking on your own 

why am i on my own is it because I'm crabby 

or i had too many one night stands 

n your partner grills you the morning after 

leftovers are best the morning after 

cooking your own food at home releases enzymes ... 

18-19 March 2014 

bacon raerbit 

coeliac omelette 

210314   530pm

around the world in 7 days 

stir fry , curry, roast, pasta, sushi, ocean pie, burger 

Saturday, 1 March 2014

fashion design


more could be done 

with lace layers n your not quite sure you can almost see a nipple


dreamcatcher necklace