Wednesday, 5 March 2025

gaslight city page 22 sexual awakening

 clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My first book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed my books into AI
I opt out of them being so used 
this book is fictional 

edited 050325

a party in her , there may not be a God but there sure is such a thing as magic

she fantasised about a truck driver driving her somewhere off route

so Mick he came after the car in another car
 and reminded her  
that its not just in and out but also round and round with him

and now shes very wrecked and dizzy

magic can be  obtained fairly by giving compliments Is very difficult

she doesn't think she ever been ' on a proper date ' where you go to a restaurant and a movie ... she met people at bus stops and while doing other things
she  was in rock star heaven she cant wait to hear him play guitar
exploding is like a trauma you need time to get over it bit of a head banger
shes concussed now she said she thinking about so and so
and he said to concentrate on what he is doing

a band called the Wild Party Cats it sticks out like a sore thumb bit of a nutcracker 
its like getting mothers milk
magic is found in the depths of loneliness she thought about making a film with someone , she feel dizzy and sick now  feels quite ill
there were a few cameos and she keeps being drawn back to this film she saw years ago on telly kind of a consensual  thing
he said he'd do cabbage and she totally loved that idea
its where she started off thats not where it ended
she went right back to 30 years ago

shes getting the image of a bow and arrow if she pull back far enough
there is more chance that an arrow of love will fly from her heart

and all the priests turned around its art for arts sake
to paint is to speak another language , a scorpions tail gust
an aura of light  while you give it a hammering

the pressure in her palpitating heart and chest
grimaces as the pain rips toward her head

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