Thursday, 25 April 2013

Anorexia High School ... new series !

8am 28.04.13. 

we got maths today ... on a Sunday ... how to calculate very 

mouthful and weigh out the fist size portions 

have you girls all phones your sponsors ... 

an an advance test on the fat content of various fuds ... 

followed by a micro lunch a roast dinner made form a 

new calory free type of paper 

with bitch gravy yum ... 

an then a discussion on whether is a good idea 2 smuggle 

cakes into da toilit ... 

is convenient where u can eat them and vomit them up all 

in one go an at this school nobody will think 

it makes an awkward noise ... 

an how was it 4 u .... 

in fact i can hear u now outide da window ... 

one thing you is not eating a muss ... 


3.11am 28.04.13. wha happened when Anorexia High plays sport against 

the Academy of the Amorphous Arse down the road 

um we like use them as hockey sticks 



hey girrrrlllls sorry to break the news i jus weighed myself  
an am down to 5 and a half stone 

you lucky bastard 


the skeleton funk ... 

with percussion rattles and stuff 

look look we can clank our
skeletons toooogevvaa ....  on the catty walk  

we are the zero girrrrls grrrrrr

clickety clack watch our skeletons glow glow glow 

ooooooh i just puked up in the toilit     


dahling we've got this ammmmazing new wrinkle treatment cus 

us bulimic girrrrls do tend to dry up early you know... 

no man you don't say ... 


Wednesday, 24 April 2013
trashy trashy kitchy bling 
ooooh look at my bra straps ... 
its got bogeys in it 


I've just had a pizza pizza i wanna see ur pizza pleaaasssse... 

poppy ooooh aaaahhh a pop pop pah .... parp ... 

beee bop paaaahhh  

pizza pizza i wanna see herrrrr pizzzaaaah aaaahhh 

an look right up her pizzzzaaaah an sniff ... 

cus i can't eat naffink widout sickin it up oooohhhh 
zero secret pizzzahhh eeetahhh 

ooohhhh all me grub goes down da toilet aaaahhhh

pleaaase gimme d blood transfusiun 
i neeeed burgas   and pizzzzaaaaahhhhs ooooohhh  

pop pop pop a lu lah  waaaahhhh   

10am    © Lizarikk, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

different types of sex

Thursday, 18 April 2013

lighting bolt 
bone breaker 

banana split spine 

trippy light storm 

dry humping with no close on 


its like there is another g spot up there 

and probably other planets too 

a rodent bite 


that bit me at the top of the womb 
where the tides pull 


different types of orgasm .... cobra fire breath crab impact
lobster hornet car crash nuclear bomb gothic moose

Sunday, 14 April 2013
those seagull chants come in a chorus of rhythmic waves 

and make an echoey orgasmic sound 

calling from another place 

14.04.13. am 

orgasmic fish curry 

Thursday, 11 April 2013

i do feel like it actually 
not sure i can face going 
through all that again it might be
difficult ... troublesome tantrumish orgasms like pmt ... 

© Lizarikk, All Rights Reserved

bouncy bubbles 


so theres is 
cobra , fire breath .. . 

and now crab, impact, crash and crunch 

are different types of orgasm and that light trance 

maybe a jelly orgasm , fever, coma , 


well anyway lets call that a hallucinogenic orgasm 
I'm surprised there are not more names
to look up ... 

and then theres the balloon type 
where you are like Jewel said a balloon that doesnt go down ! 

you know sometimes you just sort of hang there 
like as if you are just turned into spirit 
and gas just floating with your arms like of wobbling in the air  


my friends trippy sugar free mincemeat with orgasmic yoghurt ... unbearable 


impact or crab orgasm 

it sort of got lodged in there  

like trying to pull out a crab  


cognitus interruptus 

stuff to work on 2

8am 28.04.13. 

we got maths today ... on a Sunday ... how to calculate very 

mouthful and weigh out the fist size portions 

have you girls all phones your sponsors ... 

an an advance test on the fat content of various fuds ... 

followed by a micro lunch a roast dinner made form a 

new calory free type of paper 

with bitch gravy yum ... 


Wednesday, 10 April 2013

love smashing into itself  
that was one 
of those car crash things 
you know where you are thrown out 
of your seat the floor kicks you into the windscreen 

© Lizarikk, All Rights Reserved 

00.59   11.04.13. 

bit of a crab thing too like your sitting on 
something in the water trying to 
dig it out of the sand 

and then blasted out of the water 

and it keeps biting you 
or maybe a lobster 

pinching thing 

so theres is 
cobra , fire breath .. . 

and now crab, impact, crash and crunch 

are different types of orgasm and that light trance 

maybe a jelly orgasm , fever, coma , 

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

love smashing into itself  
that was one 
of those car crash things 
you know where you are thrown out 
of your seat the floor kicks you into the windscreen 

© Lizarikk, All Rights Reserved 

00.59   11.04.13. 

bit of a crab thing too like your sitting on 
something in the water trying to 
dig it out of the sand 

and then blasted out of the water 

and it keeps biting you 
or maybe a lobster 

pinching thing 

so theres is 
cobra , fire breath .. . 

and now crab, impact, crash and crunch 

are different types of orgasm and that light trance 

maybe a jelly orgasm , fever, coma , 


well anyway lets call that a hallucinogenic orgasm 
I'm surprised there are not more names
to look up ... 

and then theres the balloon type 
where you are like Jewel said a balloon that doesnt go down ! 

you know sometimes you just sort of hang there 
like as if you are just turned into spirit 
and gas just floating with your arms like of wobbling in the air  

and i feel the helium and hydrogen coming back in now


you know and to feel you putting your 
feelings in me like that 
is the best way to get them 

the grip of love that locks on to love 
and makes a binge of love 
a greedy pawing love selfish hunger 

that licks the spoon and sucks on 
love and rolls it round the tongue squeezing 
its own love ...  all over the lovely stick of love  ... 

yum spilling over 

and then all this love builds up 
in the bottle neck 

violent redox  

© Lizarikk, All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, 23 April 2013



00.23am  24.04.13. 

Enders your problems with Trix are nothing to do with me why can't 

you go and see a relationship therapist 

yes i do realise that alcoholics like yourself can get government permission to 

interfere in recovery programmes that doesnt mean you are in the right 

or that the fellowships will align themselves with you 

it just means unfortuanley that you are allowed to be there as well 

which is good actually since you have bulimia and a drink problem 

please get on with your own recovery and maybe you will 

have more luck in your love life orlright .... 

Sunday, 21 April 2013


Panda is about six and a half weeks old ... 

21.04.13.     18.06 

i was thinking about calling him Gulag  

him/her is it 

Scarey says he's called Zhou .... 

oh no hang on he's Gulag as well maybe thats another name 

12.16   22.04.13. 

there are two pandas there i think 

called Zhou and Gulag 


22.57   21.04.13. 

and now theres this one ... 

who looks a bit like my brother actually 

24.04.13. 18.41

there seems to be a shrew called Walnut 


the Lamb is called Kjaer i think 



10.00am   4.05.13.

7.04.13. 10.20 am  n this is poet is he Scarey 

correc me if I'm wrong 

Lydochka is the bear or the boy 

the boy i think 

do we have a name 

3.35am 6.05.13. 

what shall we call the slug ... 

6.05.13.     20.34

slug is called Lank i think 



no prizes for guessing who this parachute spider is 

and what is he called 


is Vanessa a boy or girl 

or maybe two spiders 

Gallery 8

universal credit 
dry hump wiv no close on 

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

sweating pains of glass  n i feel 
quite damage 

8pm 3.05.13. 

n you'd think 
you wanted war music ... 

a bit weird
I'm playing tis 
really trippy love music 
thinking about Anders Brevik 
shouting at people 

an someone sawing 
down trees 
n the children trying to hide 

the kind of love
you'd feel looking at 
the scorched battlefield 
you know in that dopamine 
psychosis ... hearing the dead bodies 

singing of the love
that motivated it 
still shooting

and it ain't over 

 © Lizarikk, All Rights Reserved

sweating pains of glass  n i feel 
quite damage 

8pm 3.05.13. 

n you'd think 
you wanted war music ... 

a bit weird
I'm playing this 
really trippy love music 
thinking about a mass murderer
shouting at people 

an someone sawing 
down trees 
n the children trying to hide 

the kind of love
you'd feel looking at 
the scorched battlefield 
you know in that dopamine 
psychosis ... hearing the dead bodies 

singing of the love
that motivated it 
still shooting

and it isn't over 

 © Lizarikk, All Rights Reserved


looking right down inside  ... 
it's all looking much more vibrant 
the organ linings healed from all that colostrum ...

something slicing the spine like a banana 
he pushes the knife into the nerves
and runs it up from the base ... the light 
singing like a gong 

pain bites you in the groin like a sea monster 

standing behind the enemy holding his arms
straight back.  A drop kick to the back 
without releasing the arms may
sever the spine causing death

yank pull drag
and the back of the skull then twisting 
with a sudden, violent jerk to rend

a swift hard cold-cock punch 
to an enemy's face while he is standing near a wall 
may drive his head into it
causing the back of the skull to shatter fatally

heart punch ... a strongman's attack, it is simply 
a powerful blow to the heart ... many years 
ago the wrestler Ox killed an opposing
wrestler with this attack

coccyx - a powerful blow to the tail bone.  Fatal ...
may also cause unconsciousness 

a very susceptibile vital spot

lets shout it out 
cry and scream lets get angry and go mental ... 

shrink my feelings ? 

© Lizarikk   18-21   April 2013 

someone digging about in your feelings 
and the pleasure is unbearable 
just like pain ... 


the emotional connection 
goes on longer like pumping out 
waves of feeling 

and revives the strangled 
moose so you get the spirit in there 
too as well as the nuclear stuff 

and you can feel the persons 
feelings digging about inside you 
is what i would choose 

where i can get it .... 

© Lizarikk, All Rights Reserved

Friday, 19 April 2013


14.27  19.04.13. 

i was saying teenagers scream at my gigs ... and I'm wondering what to 
do about bouncers 

also i have asked my parents not to attend the charity ones 
where we are naked with out guitars .... 

having your parents smiling on you like your in the school nativity 
play not cool ... 

and it does piss me off when they turn up gatecrashing rehearsals 
and complain about stuff that i am drafting ...