Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Gallery 10

um yeah some people can make you come
really quickly ... and i find its worth
the effort to go up a mountain
with my dude instead


you can always do a bit of
sight seeing afterwars

the climax of a 
gag laughter lines crackin


eyes that see from far behind 
your head 

that went on for about 
twelve hours 

yeah like your 
eyes far down in your head 

body forming into a hairy animal ... 
like you're turning into a 
mitotaur or sommit 

you feel like a beast 

13.09   4.06.13. 

an then he said he would 
play me at being my mummy 

an i was so excited i nearly got runned over ... 

an my toddler tights all wriggling 
oh yes it was a scream like bells ringing
glass bells ringing and smashing 
and stuff  

Sunday, 26 May 2013

I'm like pawing 
the page there like you 
wanna scratch your way through it ... 

n if i cud jus
rub the page away 
there be your thigh underneath 

a feeling thought rather 
than a thinking one 

a scream that rang like 
chimes of shattered alien glass bells 


I've had two warnings
today about the dangers of comedy ... 

i seem to look alot better with my 
mouth shut for some reason 

two dark starlings hurled 
themselves against
the window 


stuffing her feelings 

the staff in a children's home 
approaced a two year old and took it in turns 
to wash her with their fingers ... 

28-9 May 2013 

also I'm getting that thing where you go numb
and then need to hurt either yourself 
or someone else in order to feel something 

an yeah the freewheeling project generally 

tends to have a similar effect ... 

an if you carries on long enough wiv it 

you'll start to imagine a pirranha 

has come and bite you ... 

an i was really excited ... 

an he says is only a roll an

not to be shy so we can make 

some new shapes n stuff that peepol hasn't see 

is all it is he says 

nufing to panic about ... 


an i was stamping my legs an my 
toddler tights 

cus he was tickling me so 

much it really hurt an i says 

top it Thcarey .... 


an we was in the torking schoo 

an Scarey was a very important person 

to do role play and stuff 

an i was already toled off for having no skirts on ... 


yeah and i got the raw wolf thing 

thankyou ... 

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