Monday, 27 May 2013


lifelong ambitions , living will 


151215   00.33 am

to meet Dev 


to get off my meds 

to do Glastonbury 



to promote voluntary euthanasia in the UK

what a way to enhance your life ... 

knowing you have a choice 


to jump off a cliff 


to talk about my birdcage jump 

on realtiy tv 

n have them decorate my house 

n that doesnt mean 

you can get hold of the g drives !


- to get back to my g spot orgasms 

which i was doing 

for nearly 2 years from august 2012 to august 2013 

- to phone up my nephew 

and tell him I've decorated the house 


to take/send my nephew to Disneyland 

to make a home for my nephews

to do something about the abuse in childrens' homes 



to be a lovely model shape 

without actually 

forcing it 


to bring Joey back to life 


to get arrested 

for masturbating in public 

and taken in to the station ... 


to do the bird film 

again under controlled conditions 

with black plastic 


to find better ways to oppose fracking 
to live without a front door 

and without calling 

the police ... 


to damage Lagers tubes 

to expose the pedophile next door 


Dancing with Wolves 

Carrie Mess 

Prairie Ghosts 

just one more shoot n ill let them go ... 


to put a mouse in a bag and have it 

claw its way out of my vagina 


to make a porn film 



to have sex with a horse

a dog a panther

and a bear 


or yeah i could get tanked up on 

lucky strike  couldn't it 

spring 2013 

perhaps certain person like to do a cover 

version os this .... 

swing from a balcony 

streak down the street ... 

and die 

on morphine 

in a shark infested sea ... 


to get tanked up outside the police station .... 


July 2013 

warning this is very loud ... 


she looks more like a beaver actually 

yeah i know its quite a long 

tombstone .... 


Karaoke Gaga is not welcome  ... 

good heavens apparently 

the day she was born she decided 

who i am to marry ... 

1.45am   28.05.13. 

n wud er voice fly the brid 

an my personal favourite ... 

how about some ginkgo bulimia

n i cud hear my voice from unnergroun ...

it were forever etched on er busum 

an was this brid forever 
cas in stone 

just a little barf ... 

she shtwaddled 
de shun wiv a gun and 
it made her come over all mystical loike ... 

aaaar naaar I never tried the scenic route ... 
and i didn't get arrested 
enough times 

dont laugh it isn't funny 

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