Friday 31 January 2014

rude food diets , tightrope salad

a chilli stuffed with sun dried tomato paste 

is one thing that would feature 

in a salad adventure 

a baked apple filled with prawn cocktail 

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n then of course theres a breakfast adventure 

which could be a buffet ... or a portion 

of baked beans with surprises in ... 

guess where your sliced 

sausage comes from 

n pieces of melting 


n if you can guess a key word 

a trap door opens in the plate 

the restaurant provides a feedback sheet 

so you can comment on your 

experience and what 

flavours worked well together 

vey filling n is you always serve cake with 

fruit you'd be less likely to want 

a second piece 

two different types of cake 

orange banana seed mix 

a drizzle of squash 

and a spoonful of peanut butter

freshly foraged lambs lettuce  

n she has in fact fixed hersle 

a fruit adventure 


the word opportunist 

springs to mien 


ill have a fruit adventure please waiter 

you never know when you might 

hit on a chocolate land mine 

disguised as a plum 

or the plate might have 

a pothole or tow ... 


ill have an adventure salad landscape please ... 

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todays tightrope salad is quite 

an adventure in itself 

if not that easy to eat with the 

big herb leaves 

bit of a landscape in whats 

these seeds i have put in 

n who's this 


i just read fruit bagpipe 

by mistake not sure that that is 

that could also be a balloon salad 

m further on that road 

should be possible to make 

a fruit tightrope 

a fruit salad with yoghurt 

and pieces of biscuit and cake 

a trampoline salad ... pulses i guess ! 


so what would go in a 

trampoline salad 


reminds me of Tuttons 

in Covent GArden 

i always had their bacon and spinach 

thing about a tightrope salad 

is you can have as much 

as you like as its 

about 50% vegetalbe 

n after something like that 

you are less likely to get hungry 

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bacon and pesto salad 

is a pesto pasta salad

from Waitrose 

to which i have added extra leaves 

bacon and seeds 

its possible for a salad to be 

both healthy and indulgent 

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could do with some croutons 

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