20.18 14.05.13.
5.04.13. 19.59
sorry yes i had to rush off earlier ... Grace is back at Jewels
Scarey negotiated it and he goes round to babysit ...
i do realise he's been bundled about it a bit
but then he is very sociable and does like it at his step moms
ok cheers for that peeps laters ...
1.48am 3.04.13.
and you know what Jewel I'm happy for you to look after the Seal
i felt that was an important peace process but you keep
attacking me for no reason ...
I have asked Scarey to look into it because you never mention the Seal
and id at least like to know if he is OK ....
other wise he might take him and place him elsewhere ....
i mean i went round there with Delilah and said apparently this is supposed to
be a present for you and she just stood there shouting at me so
i took him home again ... maybe she had heard that i was
having second thoughts about it but fat chance of her actually
expressing those feelings or thanking me for the offer
and she said she rejected the idea of fostering the Seal but i know
she has got him ....
it might be possible to still work something out with Delilha
you will have to speak to Scarey about it ... well sorry for the mess
i made of that as well I should have learned from the Meerkat you
can't give them away so easily i thought Delilah was just a pet you see ....
2.04.13. 11.54am
derivatives that enabled you to take Fritz
off e me in the first plaice presumably without
which you would not have had that opportunity ...
i was also a bit disappointed buzzgirl made my fine art
suggestion into a bar of chocolate i did think
better of her ..... yous are jealous and like i said
you felt emboldened by the presence of Delilah
and were totally unaware of his presence ....
derivatives that you like to watch ...
erm derivative of what hun death metal ?
what my brother doesnt want me to write about him ...
hmmm no you probably made that up ....
is usually the case with that type
of thing Jewel you really think that is going to get you places do you .....
i note you called him Brad what an original idea hun ....
and actually i will write about my brother thankyou he can
come out and tell me other wise him self
mrs speaking for everyone on the planet .....
oh i see its that bit about making the bears into a scene
that did really hurt him actually ....
I don't see what i can do about it now .....
Jewel said she actually didn't want a pet crab so he is back with me now ....
say bye bye Delilah ....
Mr Hall,
Under your leadership, could the BBC please :
1, Drop the cringing, sycophantic and obsequious coverage of the Windsor family, and acknowledge that a significant number of British people are republicans.
2, Get rid of all the boring, derivative talent shows?
3, Provide some TV coverage of the UK's national summer sport?
1.04.13. 2.53am
i thought id better give Delilah to Jewel before I get attach to him ....
oh by the way Jewels i am looking at some other options
but considering how the us keeps bombing me 24 7 and
you join in with it
i may be stuck with Friz ... and might have to look at that
in my therapy ... something you couldn't be arsed
to do yourself even though you are a professional .... doh ....
and i did feel something
for him in a so so ish sort of a way ...
and who are these
Jewel i suppose .. what does she want with it she doesnt seem to know what to do with it when she
has the stuff ....
Jewels you haven't been cursed and nor has claire ....
1.10am 25.03.13.
it was like i was back in my old persona
while at the same time aware
that I didn't want to be
and now he's delivering
a chemical assault
19.47 22.03.13.
thats ridiculous you can't do that ....
there i was being socially engineered
is what it felt like ...
thought i had it licked ...
and they kept on about my ex husband
all morning until i actually hallucinated a seal
which was a bit shocking
and your chap just joined in with them ...
do you not see what i mean ...
you know and then its like the solution
is that i spend too much
rather than stopping them from attacking me
with biological weapons and looking at
the role of the pharmaceutical
companies and then i
wouldn't need to nurse these ailments
would i ...
and like wheres the counter propaganda
do you think they really want me
killed Jewel ...
13.08 18.03.13.
course being more revenge than strategy and taking a back seat ...
she just had to blow it for everyone ....
16.03.13. 15.50
shssss dodgy dealings with dave you know who yeah
really difficult to work out whats
going on there ...
21.57 16.03.13.
if you understand the American military
his dad just keeps bombing me
relentlessly all the time ...
and I really am the Elizabeth
Fritzle ...
but lets
mock this up
again ... because
i have made it clear
who I would like to see
and yet in real life I'm just
lumbered with Joseph Fritzle
who is literally having me murdered ...
Jewel ...
cus i got now the tools to stand up to you if
i wanted to which i didn't have before
right ...
to spell out the painfully obvious ...
I mean a paradigm shift for one thing
would be where someone stops
colluding in the biological
warfare project doh ...
ok lets mock this up shall we Jewel ...
Saturday, 22 December 2012
misc draft
that oozes privilege in drawling langor
3.12. 23.12.12. © Lizarikk, All Rights Reserved
reaching over for the jellied eels
that ties you up in nuts ...
but was the world revived like a dead fish
people that can't play soccer make good footballs ...
angry and disappointed at being
sent back to that man
now she would have something to prove ...
2.07am 6.03.13.
I think maybe you have a bit of an Andy Murray complex ... you know
you always get to the final ...
if you are going to get offended about using someone else's material
then why start it in the first place
you really do stop just short of the finish line why ?
the basets chemical antics have caused a gas in the drain ....
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