Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Gallery 4

Sunday, 17 March 2013

twist of a handglide gone 
wrong ... hopeless ... 

the ones that are riskin

hey yeah 
like trying to get 
my voice man ... I just 
had to struggle to get heard 
and that was in fuckin rehab .... 
sheesh if  you can't get heard in rehab ... 

the sting of a soul ... hey i aint got 
long you know .... they said 
im gonna fry ... 

fry fry yeah fry 
fry fry baby fry fry fry ... 

aint no use cryin when 
you're gonna fry ... 

© Lizarikk

2.08am misc draft 


its all humming and trippy in there 
the blanket is puppet warped
and I'm gonna get 
my soda milk ... 

e's a magic mushroom 

you know and the hair is 
all buzzy ... 


can we get
under one of those 
huge scandinavian duvets i want 
to warm my hands on your fizzy chest 

like rolling around in a hive of bees
more bush tucker kisses more 
sores and horrors ... 
yum ...  

© Lizarikk, All Rights Reserved 



floating in 
a scene of unreality 
I saw a yellow ghost ... 
I went head first over the 
handle bar skidding my grated
knees and hands on the gravel which 
blood but no pain ... my head was doing the 
crawl and I laughed it was all so unexpected ... 

misc draft © Lizarikk, All Rights Reserved

22.40  misc draft 

I will eat your toenails if you 
want me to ... 

its a weakness 
in my Chinese sign ... 
I know you're not supposed 
to worship them i just can't help it 

just so full of terror and dread 
my chest is like theres a
boulder on it and you 
feel like curling up

I seem to 
be doubled over
with pain like he can't hear 
me and things appear like difficult 
to do ... he hasn't spoken to me all day ... 

where is he what have 
they done ...  

© Lizarikk, All Rights Reserved


you know and Im fed up with them 
moving me on ... 

that echoes round 
my head 

you know 
and this adoration 
makes a kind of heady smoky puff 

 © Lizarikk, All Rights Reserved


another Hitched Cock scheme ... 

they kidnapped me 
and told me a man would 
come out from behind the curtain 
just I woudnt know which one that would be ... 

4.44am  11.03.13. © Lizarikk, All Rights Reserved

leaving venomous

would wake
to find they had
shagged a hideous
creature that lay frothing
and foaming besides them ... 



on the nod 


black tar toffee 

China white 

I wanted the needles to shoot heroin with 
so I hit him in the head with a 
broom and stole them all

a dead baby crawling on the ceiling
wall-to-wall obscenities

a thoroughly shitty movie, which 
isn't to say it's a bad one

the bulk of the humor is blacker than a raven’s wing

has him swim through an inky blue void 
and sink into the toilet 

eating smoke rings 

misc notes/draft


misc draft 12.03.13.

the bullet went through my stomach
making a gungee jump

body bags
like being run over by a horse

like your lying
there and the room is
bouncing up and down ...

the mindless thud
of a hungry bear paw ...

knowing there aint no
reason and you thought you knew him


my brain 
had gone all 
elastic ... I suppose 
you can't do this every day ... 

music is sounding really warped today ... 
those notes are clattering down my 
nerves like saucepan lids ... 
hitting the epicentre 
and still fault lines

the thicker 
strings in my piano 
being pulled back like 
archery bows like that blurring   
warping you do on the fret like double 
bass down the gushing fountain to the crown    

misc draft 4.30pm 12.03.13. 


like having a broom handle 
up your arse 

silver tongue
slimeball you will do it again 
people were not allowed to communicate 

this is not for the ears of the tickety boo the hunky 
dory hymns of the church bazaar 

i looked down and saw the knife was 
pointed at my stomach 
the riskiness of the situation 
in hindsight i was terrified 

the rat had bit off her clit

© Lizarikk, All Rights Reserved

00.09      10.03.13. 

lashing the waves 

he went into 
an alcoholic tailspin

he borrowed my car 
you end up with a nasty 
horrible person igniting an argument 

lit the touch paper  


you've killed Bin 

now you have to find Abu ...  

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