she is in shock
n has to think of names for them
141113 4pm
n her throat is vey badly caught up
with the fib throat bludgeon
does my sponsor know about it
i think the second one might
have an injury to the tail area actually
its not to be recommended
i did it because of the steroid attacks
Posted by Lizarikk at 12:10 No comments:

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surely your not telling me to do another one
can i not put them on twitter
only one it going through
k probably i take stuff out on you
n probly i wil do it again
my face is not what it could be there
due to the throat catches
she's going to offer the birds some food
and let them out the window ...
n Dev said he was going to show
her some tricks n she
was vey excited
n she found a lost hat
n they goes off together n as he leaves
he gives Owl a long lingering look ...
n then pretended to be cheerful
n he sort of sways about in this gangling
bumbling sort of way that is vey loveable
n she missed him vey much
well ok then you go out with Passata
n ill try going out with Dev
n see how it goes k ...
246 131113
n then afterwards
they were all sitting downstairs
having a spliff
n Scarey was showing off
that maybe his experience was the best
n oh n n n nooooooo Scarey ...
n she teach Scarey about magic ...
like just wait five minutes n believe
something will happen
it might do or it might not
you can also wait up to 15
709AM 131113
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