Friday, 28 February 2025

gaslight city page 19 sexual awakening

clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My first book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed my books into AI
I opt out of them being so used 


edited 280225 

that hurt before she even got started and its great when he has another guy with him she really felt him this time best anger therapy
especially outdoors kind of rough and smooth at the same time
a summery haze soothes my pain , Pretty legless after all that

like a sea monster came up from the deep

n shes huffing like a steam train Alpha waves the spasms attack us
and she saw a birds eye view two people convulsing it looks amazing
and she thought of something warped at the end that sjhe saw on tv
to do with a camera girl, a different one
she had a ball, the time of her life shes still a little bit enchanted with danger

like theyre wrestling sweaty post banging stuff to the sound of molten guitar so in tune with me delightfully self referential in the emotion rather than on it , gory

Mick is sun drunk

caught in a heterosexual act

Hallucinating positive things . she remembers walking into the kitchen
and all the pots and pans seemed to come alive making music

n this is not about babies its about him n whats warped
is watching them getting charged with electricity so that they bounce off

they took it slowly because it was so painful this shocking energy running up the spine
bit of an ego crusher n she steamrollered
she feels like a groupie in tatty lace n its difficult to imagine how something so powerful would work in real life

she flirted with a flower 

try doing foreplay with your dick 

edited 030325




gaslight city page 19 Ellies friends

 clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My first book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed my books into AI
I opt out of them being so used
edited 280225 
 Ellie has friends with mental illnesses for whom she has written medical reports and welfare letters . Shes hugged a serial killer , shes got people off the streets. You need someone looking out for you 

people think well Ellie is a big girl she can handle drug dealers . She has friends who self harm. And worries they will hurt themselves when she hasnt contacted them enough . Which leaves little space for Ellies feelings 

she didnt want responsiblity for her brother Bill , but she may as well make a good job of it, handling him with love and speaking of his trauma . While he screams mysogynistic insults at her , calling her ' a cunt ' and telling her to jump off the roof 

' you dont understand i found mum DEAD '
' i do understand ' 
' no you DONT '  

Ellie invites Agatha for a coffee but she doesnt return the call. Gail says to phone her again  but Ellie feels there should be some reciprocating . Gail says ' oh no Agatha is really kind and gentle ' 

Ellie didnt say Agatha wasnt kind and gentle , she was waiting for a response , an indication that Agatha wanted to meet Ellie . Does Gail see Agatha ? they go way back 

and Agatha posts threats online like arson and phone theft. Shes part of an organisation 

Ellie has a boyfriend who is a magician she has never met called Vid. Hes very good to her and helps her promote her work . And has sex like a god . With sexual empathy you can feel each others sexual feelings . Vid wanted to marry her and she said not while youre watching women on web cams

Thursday, 27 February 2025

gaslight city page 18 sexual awakening

   clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My first book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed my books into AI
I opt out of them being so used

edited 270225

shes picking fights with people and needsto release it shes  been carrying it for days unable to find the time
it builds like thunder on a hot day like a boa constrictor like an electric eel , tasered Panting like a lunatic , Excruciating, Snorting

this is what they mean by nasty they can feel each others pain
at the same time , and its just too much ,shes been avoiding it
and getting annoyed with people

his ex tells her to slow down ! she is making love to his poetry
a quick one he said to finish you off even if it kills you we'll stand up ,
about 5 minutes done for now, a real stinger

that next one could take her leg off itll have to wait !

Mick uses pressure he said this tension will kill us
and so will its release guess theyre doomed
no wonder shes so crippled its true she at deaths door 






Vidi perhaps , 280225 7 pm 

9 pm



gaslight city page 17 gang stalking


   clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My first book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed my books into AI
I opt out of them being so used 

edited 270225 ,

 n all her life shes been jeered at 
there was a time she and Mick were fooling around at Leicester Square in the evening 
a crowd formed a circle around them and everyone was laughing 

what are they laughing at ? she said . And Mick said theyre laughing at you ! she cant imagine what was funny about her 

n recently they are calling her a lesbian . Well shes not a lesbian althoug she has overcome her fear of it which is some achievement . why are they so discriminatory and shallow as to mock lesbians ? And Agatha was their main proponent ? she said all men were rapists . has Agatha overcome her fear of men ? Now shes making fun of lesbians is she a bit vanilla ? 

and how will older people die if we dont abuse them ? says the sprite 

n Ellie has never been sexually abused so much as these two woman have abused her , not all the men shes known , and because its online its difficult to explain 

and Ellie is expected to befriend Agatha in real life too

Thursday, 20 February 2025

gaslight city page 16 sexual awakening

   clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My first book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed my books into AI
I opt out of them being so used 

edited 200225

It takes her two years to get Mick into bed
The earthy sensuality of bohemian life sofas draped with purple and marooon
Velvet throws rooms dimly lit in the day time , smell of wine and cork
Trippy wallpaper with huge flowers an atmosphere of sin

missed him In the heroin of God Cuckooed in a trap house Back to this fantasy from a film The rock star is probably dead now They were making a film with people watching Grinding muscles and exploding lights

A feeling of peace and excitement

A taxi driver goes the wrong way And back to that film With a view to doing the girl Which she can do if there is a man watching If you know what she means
One of them was blindfolded And another had a gun A bit unhinged if she doesn't take her meds

The guitar is melting like candle wax Narcotic feelings transformed

Bang a rock star connection Pink lacy underwear looks good on him
And enhances his masculinity Shocking under his jeans
Subliminalist painting she doesnt  think her psychedelic hedgehog Is from another planet N shes the pinball ! 

what if solo were the only offer on the table she had to steer that one
a laugh gasm her skin feels smooth they blindfolded her she suggested he wear stockings but its not set in stone

the moon is D shaped they watched each other then their movements became jerky n now shes walking funny all wobbly like jelly
years we've been thinking about it what does the kingdom need , more love that was agony , she writhed and grimaced in ugliness feels a bit dizzy and sick

this holy unholiness just wont do so he waits for her to warm up
and then slams his foot on the accelerator there is some pain to go through she gasps for breath

after rampaging through the streets like a werewolf
wearing something like a kilt like a cave man he appeals to something prehistoric in her what exactly she  cant quite put a finger on
shes in shock now feeling seasick

under the glass floor

tidal energy generator like surfing a monster wave it was a rough sea
enough power for the country digging in wet mud its not easy having all these cameras trained on the window she sticks out like a sore thumb
then they make fun of her afterwards what manners

he teaches peace , shes drawing a greek statue

the moon is peeping through the trees n surfters crashing the waves
n that music is eternal if only they were allowed she floating above it all
in a magical land Like blowing up a balloon n whats gross to one person
is meat to another

n the anger turns to flaming flowers n music like paragliding into the sunset all painted different hues of orange the big bang occurring in a black hole smashing the glass wall an explosion of flowers

there was a howl and a yelp too much a lady brought down a peg or two
doing something so base
twisted in a vice to maximum torsion
something only young people do a shaft of light from the coccyx 






gaslight city page 15 gang stalking

    clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My first book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed my books into AI
I opt out of them being so used 

edited 200225
 the kind hearted girl at school has to sit with Agatha. The sprite is a 45 year old married woman who enjoys abusing Ellie. it turns her on when she is stuck for inspiration . Shed make a fine groupie if she werent married, Ellie did try to warn her 

the sprite said 'im not a child' . not saying youre a child, just warning you youre not ready to marry that guy ! and Agatha puts her up to the abuse . shes been doing that since she was a child, getting other children into trouble . 

n Ellie would have helped them if theyd wanted to talk about trauma and stuff . Agatha and Sprite were both abused as children and Ellie is a soft target 

n then theres Gail who stole Agathas boyfriend and tries to palm off her guilt . None of them will phone the hotlines or visit a support group because its more fun to abuse Ellie. What Dev calls gang stalking 

' mothball , bag , cactus ' they shout at her , if necessary hijacking other friends when desperate to get that message through . The sprite is very jealous of Ellies work and seeks to steal it by abusing her . some of the men join in out of revenge at being dumped

Monday, 17 February 2025

gaslight city page 14 sexual awakening


   clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My first book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed my books into AI
I opt out of them being so used  


edited 170225 


 One time her period spurts out unexpectedly You can hear it like a tap , even though there’s a bit of hymen left . N her best orgasm where she levitated , she didn’t actually know who she was doing . N porn is not the same a cyber sex . There is a black boom and a lot of deafening smoke
There’s more than two ways to play with a man Took her decades to think of that A woman is made of oestrogen
He said california and she said Vegas and of course Vegas is addictive
Like the Vegus nerve, and they split up
Improvement though if it's just infra red
Not everybody can get a boot leg
Her hands are shaking and her legs feel bouncy and weightless like balloons
Must have got her wires crossed , Electrocuted
She’s not insane the world just isn’t ready for her yet
And you’re supposed to be the sane one
She’s biting , they are in the bathroom at dads
and she stepped out of the painting she did of her in the bath
to greet an unexpected guest who had liked the painting and jammed with Da
Hands are shaking staggering about like a drunk person , bit of a wild card

Her use of football is about playing the field
N she’s going to kick that ball hard , she has no idea where it will land until it lands , she found the g spot ! A voice like a chandelier 
Don’t waste your suicide but ride close to death 

Yep more extreme weather, rock n roll , a dreamy quality , floaty feeling like paragliding I hope I didn’t make a dad joke she says 
Like I did at Notting Hill

Forgot how much she fancied that guy at college its all coming back to her make love not war like Dev taught me
but she did also thank Bottle , and others . Sex shouldn't be performative , but if you never tried to have a vaginal orgasm you'd be missing out
A woman can end up with a ' staring at the wall feeling ' if the communication is lost
She made it ! with all the people watching and being disparaging
it hurt and it wouldnt go in fully but oh God hes screwing me
havent done that for years !
The skinny sprites at school would mock the bigger girl , using her as a snack .
Seems if you’re single long enough the hymen grows back
She used to get a pepper pot in there which now she can’t


200225 gang stalking 


Sunday, 16 February 2025

gaslight city page 13 brother Bill

   clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My first book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed my books into AI
I opt out of them being so used 

 edited 160225 
Bill was an affectionate child who loved animals  and would kiss the budgerigars head . Very gregarious he was prone to fall in with ' the wrong crowd ' . Smoking cigarettes at 11 he was rolling in drunk at 13 wearing ' pegs and points ' trousers 

Ellie and Bill threw teenage parties while Mum was a single parent and couldnt keep control , so there'd be a guy with his head in a bowl of salad , sausages stamped into the carpet . And Mum making herself a bowl of rice ... 

Bill and his friends threw a seance at which someone turned up dressed as a mummy which had everyone screaming . But Ellie went outside 

Bill could crack up a room full of teenagers with his jokes. He was so cool and made up songs about his friends on his guitar 

' everybodys going round the bend ' .. wah wah 
and each person recieved a verse about why they were round the bend 
' n theres a rythm in your head ' .. . wha . Ellie and Bill would also jam together on guitars or with her singing or on the cello 

Bill has his very own social etiquette. Like not laughing at your own jokes . Because then the joke would have ended when you could have kept the room laughing for longer. You are not to cosy up with your partner while in a group . Or sneak off with your partner . 
Which Ellie and Jez are guilty of ! 

you are not to interrupt when a friend is ' going into one ' ( holding forth ) . You have to wait for the right moment to come in when its cool to do so 

n Ellies sado masochistic relationship with Mick blows all that out of the water . when the biting gets out of hand 

Don't repertoire the joke said Bill

Edited 170225

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

gaslight city page 12 sexual awakening

   clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My first book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed my books into AI
I opt out of them being so used


edited 130225

The g spot gives a different vibration and is much coveted
By both men and women .There are ways of exploring it .Even enjoying a shower can be sexual . The g spot is like a different note on a scale from g to c . She enjoys doing male musicians which creates a new music , a woozy drunk kind of music

Mental illness is like getting high and never coming down again

Always alone standing before a monster trying to sweet talk it
The monster may turn friendly but it's all on his terms
Sex is mind altering . she would sit with the men to see how much of their banter she could take

she often has to buy a new vibrator , they become noisy and break 

You are most uncommonly beautiful

And I'm not talking about what you look like

There’s a sword hanging in the air
In a cave with blue sheets of rain
Explodes and bits of stalactites
Luminous green icicles
N shells and things all going flying
The light reflecting itself like a sheet of air
Making a guillotine mask on the beach

she gasped at that flash of light
you look like moon light ,
like that painting she did of you was much admired

drug highs are nothing compared to thrill seeking and a saxophone player waited about four days for her , she could surprise a man with how strong she was
The earthy sensuality of bohemian life sofas draped with purple and marooon
Velvet throws rooms dimly lit in the day time , smell of wine and cork
Trippy wallpaper with huge flowers in an atmosphere of sin

she has a conversation in the sex shop says I'm exploring the g spot, and therefore don't want the rabbit ones , she says its just round the corner as you go in , which Ellie agrees with
Some of the vibrators are like a large crochet hook to dig into the g spot
Last time she saw that lady she didn't open up but has now got into the spirit ! Actually she was most horny during the change
With much bigger climaxes and those trippy ones where the sky goes black and you're thrown off the bed , There's a kind of a force field from the collective trauma a roiling cauldron of trouble

some men would say no which would impress her. they were interested but not sure , not ready ,

she hugs a serial killler in the secure unit
He is on the run
At one point she has two periods a month 

n if youre dying of thirst the water tastes like wine 

Edited 140225 1.36 am



gaslight city page 11 the Reverend Millicent Baxter



  clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed the book into AI
I opt out of it being so used 
 the reverend Millicent Baxter is Ellies cousin. She comes over with her sister Kaye and asks if Ellie has ever tried drugs . Well Ellie of course was born yesterday and spills the beans . even though it was decades ago and she never got hooked . her step mom says oh Christians are very judgmental about drugs , so Ellie walked into that one and now half her family has her down as an addict 

with the responsibility to fix a dealer . Spinning wool into gold thread .under surveillance from Millicents helicopter mother . Apparently Ellie is ' a woman of ill repute ' having slept with approximately 7 guys in real life 
and Ellie remembers as a child Millicents fathers family thought that her mother wasnt good enough for them . Apparently her dish cloth smelled ! 

and she uploads her sexual thoughts !!! well why not , why should someone else have them ? their drones would read her diaries anyway . Some of Ellies ' research ' might help people . in 2025 

n the fat girl ends up comfort eating from all the abuse 

the cousins are very feminine ladies who dont want to get their hands dirty . They have good husbands that they dont really talk to 

n Ellie is the ghost of her mother . Ellies mother wasnt bitchy like that

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

gaslight city page 10 the catwalk sisters


  clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed the book into AI
I opt out of it being so used 

The Catwalk Sisters
17.07.13. 13.32
she was an ugly girl
with a lovely voice ... n three catwalk sisters ....
n some of the men that came courting
were distracted by the songs
coming from the kitchen
n they found that if they locked her in the cupboard
that their own voices became more magical ...
n make tootling melodies
n lune tunes
n alien bloops
n then one day
one of the suitors heard a
muffled thumping noise coming
from the cupboard under the stairs
n took it upon himself to enquire if there
might be a power failure or trapped animal ....
he was ushered into the drawing room
and informed that there was
a ghost present in the
house n it was a family secret
they must entreat him to reveal this to nobody ....
n he took his leave somewhat bewildered
n i have no idea wha is going to happen next
n of course one day
he decies to take the long
way back to his estate down a woodland
path n is struck by the dazzling evening light
and a strange bird song ....
they wouldn't ...
they seemed so affable ... so attentive ...
19.07.13. am
they wooo they wooo
n a dark could passed over the sharp glints
magpies laughing sarcastically
n the gulls sound like they are being assaulted
the bird song reminded
her of the tunes coming from the sisters' kitchen
n they started to sound like words ...
a twit a woo
caw caw
tak tak tak
tweet tweet
( yes i know i need to find better ones )
n then of course
he hears a rustling struggle
a muffled mumbling voice like one is gagged
n someone is dragging a live body
through the woods like a mummy
n they found if they put a container
in the cupboard with some
water that some of the bloops n tootles
could be bottled ...
and a special frozen larder
was prepared with all labels for different
types of bloop
n you could drink one n start blooping
or do a little bloople
a tootle bloop
or a flootle ...
© Lizarikk, All Rights Reserved
or an augmented
supernatural throat chord
where the strings in the organ sound further apart
bouncels, balloon yelps ,
echoes, tong tongs n woodpecker yoyos
n angel sighs
n they got hold
of a spray that could make her voice go all muffley ....
n they were all tootling
n blooping n bubbling like nothing on earth ....
and there was less
of that embarrassing noise coming from the cupboard ....
just a rather nasty smell ...
2.07.13.     12.55pm
an nutty wood n stuff
n then one day
he took the forest path at glooming dusk
n heard what he could only describe as an owl guitar
an the way the wood was
cut at angles make
it sound the more piercing n nutty echoes  ....
the sky went red ... he picked up the guitar
n started to strum
n all of a sudden he hears a screech
from the sisters' house ....
11.08.13. 10.50am
to wit .. .
n she hadn't the
tiniest inkling she had made a song ...
a whooo a whooo .....
terwitch terwitch terwitch
150813 4.04am
n she was tole
that her songs n paintings
did not belong to her
cus they were to pay for her keep .....
snatched from
her like newborn babes ....
n sometimes
forcibly extracted from her cells ....
the prisoner is on
suicide watch ...
190813 5.22am
a widowww wooo ooo
wooo widow wooo
hoot hoot
honk honk
a bottle broke
on the terracotta floor
n there was magic leaking everywhere ...
oozing through windows
n down drains
n objects started to talk ...
n people were looting
bottles of magic
n strange knocks n bumps would come
from peoples stomachs
n things they hadn't said ....
and then one of the sisters
found she could fit a device to the cupboard
that would have her sisters
utterances delivered directly into her brain
n there were rain bloops n popsicles galore
n she was not allowed to
look in mirrors
n then one day they filled the cupboard
with anthrax n she was not able to speak at all ...
ah htats better they said
give someone else a chance of an airing
n we've got all those bottles in the freezer ....
n they laughed at her
and called her a zombie


n it was weird
she find she can make tunes
as long as they don't has any words
n it flashed through her mind
a picture book
a dead lion with a honeycomb inside
the last utterances of a dying man ...

she couldn't walk but
she could run

234am 05113
n shed always been
made to give everything
away even her own babies ....

The Catwalk Sisters continues / aka A Dead Bird Sings
n she found that
when she couldn't speak
at all that the objects around her
would speak ... n they some how led
her away from her home ....
n to the city
where a young girl
is offered a promotion
in the film industry in return
for having a camera installed in her bedroom ...
n there were real witches
in the floorboards if you pour water on them
n old ladies with blue rinses
that get stuck in your throat
n of course its she
that ends up singing to her dead birds ...
in a filthy bedsit

and would sing to them
n you could hear her crying bitterly
over them
n the place was decorated
with wind chimes
made of bird skulls


The Catwalk Sisters / Bird Strangler

all fluffy n buzzing
a snap crackle n pop
in her hands
n all friendly n pleased
to see her

148   271113
a bird so fresh
so alive ... in her hands
for just a few days ...
n how he'd cock his head
n look at her when she sang to him
a spark of recognition
his head bobbing
someone that understands his need for song

n a dark cloud passed over the sharp glints

magpies laughing sarcastically
n the gulls sound like they are being assaulted


the bird song reminded
her of the tunes coming from the sisters' kitchen
n they started to sound like words ...

a twit a woo
caw caw
tak tak tak
tweet tweet