Monday, 17 February 2025

gaslight city page 14 sexual awakening


   clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My first book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed my books into AI
I opt out of them being so used  


edited 170225 


 One time her period spurts out unexpectedly You can hear it like a tap , even though there’s a bit of hymen left . N her best orgasm where she levitated , she didn’t actually know who she was doing . N porn is not the same a cyber sex . There is a black boom and a lot of deafening smoke
There’s more than two ways to play with a man Took her decades to think of that A woman is made of oestrogen
He said california and she said Vegas and of course Vegas is addictive
Like the Vegus nerve, and they split up
Improvement though if it's just infra red
Not everybody can get a boot leg
Her hands are shaking and her legs feel bouncy and weightless like balloons
Must have got her wires crossed , Electrocuted
She’s not insane the world just isn’t ready for her yet
And you’re supposed to be the sane one
She’s biting , they are in the bathroom at dads
and she stepped out of the painting she did of her in the bath
to greet an unexpected guest who had liked the painting and jammed with Da
Hands are shaking staggering about like a drunk person , bit of a wild card

Her use of football is about playing the field
N she’s going to kick that ball hard , she has no idea where it will land until it lands , she found the g spot ! A voice like a chandelier 
Don’t waste your suicide but ride close to death 

Yep more extreme weather, rock n roll , a dreamy quality , floaty feeling like paragliding I hope I didn’t make a dad joke she says 
Like I did at Notting Hill

Forgot how much she fancied that guy at college its all coming back to her make love not war like Dev taught me
but she did also thank Bottle , and others . Sex shouldn't be performative , but if you never tried to have a vaginal orgasm you'd be missing out
A woman can end up with a ' staring at the wall feeling ' if the communication is lost
She made it ! with all the people watching and being disparaging
it hurt and it wouldnt go in fully but oh God hes screwing me
havent done that for years !
The skinny sprites at school would mock the bigger girl , using her as a snack .
Seems if you’re single long enough the hymen grows back
She used to get a pepper pot in there which now she can’t


200225 gang stalking 


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