Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed the book into AI
I opt out of it being so used
17.07.13. 13.32
she was an ugly girl
with a lovely voice ... n three catwalk sisters ....
n some of the men that came courting
were distracted by the songs
coming from the kitchen
n they found that if they locked her in the cupboard
that their own voices became more magical ...
n make tootling melodies
n lune tunes
n alien bloops
n then one day
one of the suitors heard a
muffled thumping noise coming
from the cupboard under the stairs
n took it upon himself to enquire if there
might be a power failure or trapped animal ....
he was ushered into the drawing room
and informed that there was
a ghost present in the
house n it was a family secret
they must entreat him to reveal this to nobody ....
n he took his leave somewhat bewildered
n i have no idea wha is going to happen next
n of course one day
he decies to take the long
way back to his estate down a woodland
path n is struck by the dazzling evening light
and a strange bird song ....
they wouldn't ...
they seemed so affable ... so attentive ...
19.07.13. am
they wooo they wooo
n a dark could passed over the sharp glints
magpies laughing sarcastically
n the gulls sound like they are being assaulted
the bird song reminded
her of the tunes coming from the sisters' kitchen
n they started to sound like words ...
a twit a woo
caw caw
tak tak tak
tweet tweet
( yes i know i need to find better ones )
n then of course
he hears a rustling struggle
a muffled mumbling voice like one is gagged
n someone is dragging a live body
through the woods like a mummy
n they found if they put a container
in the cupboard with some
water that some of the bloops n tootles
could be bottled ...
and a special frozen larder
was prepared with all labels for different
types of bloop
n you could drink one n start blooping
or do a little bloople
a tootle bloop
or a flootle ...
© Lizarikk, All Rights Reserved
or an augmented
supernatural throat chord
where the strings in the organ sound further apart
bouncels, balloon yelps ,
echoes, tong tongs n woodpecker yoyos
n angel sighs
n they got hold
of a spray that could make her voice go all muffley ....
n they were all tootling
n blooping n bubbling like nothing on earth ....
and there was less
of that embarrassing noise coming from the cupboard ....
just a rather nasty smell ...
2.07.13. 12.55pm
an nutty wood n stuff
n then one day
he took the forest path at glooming dusk
n heard what he could only describe as an owl guitar
an the way the wood was
cut at angles make
it sound the more piercing n nutty echoes ....
the sky went red ... he picked up the guitar
n started to strum
n all of a sudden he hears a screech
from the sisters' house ....
11.08.13. 10.50am
to wit .. .
n she hadn't the
tiniest inkling she had made a song ...
a whooo a whooo .....
terwitch terwitch terwitch
150813 4.04am
n she was tole
that her songs n paintings
did not belong to her
cus they were to pay for her keep .....
snatched from
her like newborn babes ....
n sometimes
forcibly extracted from her cells ....
the prisoner is on
suicide watch ...
190813 5.22am
a widowww wooo ooo
wooo widow wooo
hoot hoot
honk honk
a bottle broke
on the terracotta floor
n there was magic leaking everywhere ...
oozing through windows
n down drains
n objects started to talk ...
n people were looting
bottles of magic
n strange knocks n bumps would come
from peoples stomachs
n things they hadn't said ....
and then one of the sisters
found she could fit a device to the cupboard
that would have her sisters
utterances delivered directly into her brain
n there were rain bloops n popsicles galore
n she was not allowed to
look in mirrors
n then one day they filled the cupboard
with anthrax n she was not able to speak at all ...
ah htats better they said
give someone else a chance of an airing
n we've got all those bottles in the freezer ....
n they laughed at her
and called her a zombie
n it was weird
she find she can make tunes
as long as they don't has any words
n it flashed through her mind
a picture book
a dead lion with a honeycomb inside
the last utterances of a dying man ...
she couldn't walk but
she could run
234am 05113
n shed always been
made to give everything
away even her own babies ....
The Catwalk Sisters continues / aka A Dead Bird Sings
n she found that
when she couldn't speak
at all that the objects around her
would speak ... n they some how led
her away from her home ....
n to the city
where a young girl
is offered a promotion
in the film industry in return
for having a camera installed in her bedroom ...
n there were real witches
in the floorboards if you pour water on them
n old ladies with blue rinses
that get stuck in your throat
n of course its she
that ends up singing to her dead birds ...
in a filthy bedsit
and would sing to them
n you could hear her crying bitterly
over them
n the place was decorated
with wind chimes
made of bird skulls
The Catwalk Sisters / Bird Strangler
all fluffy n buzzing
a snap crackle n pop
in her hands
n all friendly n pleased
to see her
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a bird so fresh
so alive ... in her hands
for just a few days ...
n how he'd cock his head
n look at her when she sang to him
a spark of recognition
his head bobbing
someone that understands his need for song
n a dark cloud passed over the sharp glints

magpies laughing sarcastically
n the gulls sound like they are being assaulted
the bird song reminded
her of the tunes coming from the sisters' kitchen
n they started to sound like words ...
a twit a woo
caw caw
tak tak tak
tweet tweet
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