Friday, 27 December 2024

re edit page 12 gore , Simon

 clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed the book into AI
I opt out of it being used to train AI

edited 271224
getting her finger bitten down on until she screamed like an old man . Kicked in the ribs , 
watching Mike smash his arm through a window and stand there bleeding and screaming , Lizzy broke his finger , put him in a neck collar 
she pushed Bud down the stairs , threatened to hit Mike with a hoover , he threatened her with scissors . Friends said they saw Lizzy bashing Mikes head against a lamp post but she doesnt remember that . The beast was unleashed after he talked at her all night and she savaged his neck 
she jumped out a window several times over about 3 months, until she first got a cut on her head and photographed the ' bloodied hair ' before the last attempt where she fractured her pelvis and screamed blue murder , but her mind was somewhere else. A lady passed by and offered help . Lizzy said ' im just disabled ' and refused the help . Shed intended to just break her leg , and go to A&E  . the experiment had gone wrong and she was sectioned 
a woman in the hospital tried to strangle herself with a tourniquet  
Mum overdosed on alcohol and pills and told Bud not to call the ambulance . Mike might have taken an overdose at her place , he got a brain injury and nearly died . Lizzy found him on the floor and called an amulance . He was put in a critical ward where you could hear grieving relatives screaming for their lost ones
Lizzy used to cut herself as a teenager . One time she smeared blood on a piece of  paper and  wrote ' i hate myself '  
 Mike blamed Lizzy for her mothers suicide which led to one of their deadly battles . Only by divine intervention is she still alive
After living with Stuart and the drug dealers , Lizzy was put in a half way house where she was burgled several times and witnesssed a stabbing . there was blood everywhere . The stabbed man was called Froggy and something had gone wrong with a drug deal . He looked extremely meek and resigned to his fate , possibly looking forward to dying  
Simon used to self harm like breaking a glass bottle and using it to slash his wrists during one of their fights  , or arguments rather . Lizzy didnt really fight with Simon who was much bigger and tougher than Mike and could as he put it ' knock you out , youll not get off the floor LIzzy ' 
Simon threw himself in the river after losing his next girlfriend and Lizzy went in after him , the paramedics dragged him out and handcuffed him to stop him doing further damage . the handcuffs cut into his wrists and made alot of blood. Lizzy accompanied him to hospital and helped to drag him across the floor . Saturday night at A&E was obviously a regular party for some people, who had come in full of pride at their drinking injuries . it was quite an atmosphere ! sharing cups of tea from the coffee machine and war stories . Lizzy felt she had arrived  








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