Tuesday, 31 December 2024

love bombers second draft page 2 Mike

 clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed the book into AI
I opt out of it being used to train AI

edited 311224

Mike takes Lizzy to a world where passions clash , joy and despair run rampant and sexual tension builds up around his abstinence from it . She is very angry and frustrated in her longing for him

They meet at Stuarts squat before he buys it . Mike notices that Lizzy is a very sad girl and undertakes to teach her about managing her emotions and doing meditation and stuff . Raising the kundalini and finding inner peace . They wander off from the squat and he massages her back in the street . Lizzy at this point does not find anything bizarre, anything could happen and anything has happened , she has no reference of normality having been raised by a schizophrenic mother , she has no compass

They make their way to Mikes flat which he shares with his mother . A fight breaks out between the two of them as soon as the door opens . Apparently she has ruined his life and deserves a kick in the head . She said he will give himself a hernia if hes not careful . ' Who have you brought back ? A sister . Brother sister indeed she says . '   Mikes mother sleeps in an arm chair and has no bed

Mike shows Lizzy to a cosy kitchen and makes some basil tea and rice with baked beans with fresh  ginger . This is to be their staple diet . Lizzy finds it all very magical and after their meal they go to his room and curl up on the bed listening to his music collection , Dire Straights , Stevie Wonder , Whitney Houston , Don McClean , San Francisco , and other sleepy ballads from the 60s that seem designed to bring out latent emotions 
' do you like my little show ' he asks 
"are you saying youre a real female whos here to give love ? "

Mike recommends that Lizzy give up alcohol dope and cigarettes that ‘ block emotions ‘ he says and she’s up for anything at this point . Gives it a try and her emotions explode out of her with this revelation  . And then he puts a Mozart record on the gramophone and she has a spiritual awakening . She is born again but it has nothing to do with churches , more a kind of trippy rock n roll explosion , bit like an LSD trip but caused by lack of substances rather than the use of them . Her tears are never ending and she becomes herself an anorak wearing emo kid weirdo like Mike . Two peas in a pod for the forseeable

They hug and she feels like she’s falling . Literally falling , falling in love or is it lust , she has no point of reference to tell the difference . Possibly in retrospect its lust . She expects this to lead to sex after the kiss . But Mike reveals that he is a virgin and won’t give it away to just anybody and become ‘ just like everybody else ‘ Seems they can do everything else other than actually have sex , which Lizzy finds very frustrating 
' ya moother couldnt take it , ya cold an ya dont care , i never get any loov , stay away bastard ' 

Lizzy also turns into a werewolf sometimes . She puts him in a neck collar  , breaks his finger and bruises his balls  . And then takes a trip to visit him in hospital like a dutiful girlfriend . Nobody would have guessed who caused his injuries . There is comfort in those hospital trips getting tea from the coffee machine and chatting like a normal couple . Mike is proud of his beautiful girlfriend , although they never refer to themselves as a couple, they never talk about being boyfriend and girlfriend or being in love . And Lizzy on one occasion denies that they are in love which is ironic because they definitely are . Why else would they put up with all this shit . N there they are in the hospital talking about the weather and making observations about the other patients . People watching and cracking up laughing

there is a man being spoon fed by a visitor and it looks like the visitor has come to get revenge for something , his being in the spoon feeding position reverses the power that the patient once had over him , perhaps a former boss Lizzy surmises
Mikes mother Mary  says ' where Lizzy  comes from its cold. In here she felt the heat . And emotionally it sure is warm . Mike and his mother are always arguing and fighting and Lizzy screams to calm them down . And this actually works . they ask what they can do for her in return

' youve a cheek to ruin my life ' he shouts at Mary
Mary says that men are selfish to the bone , that all men are bastards . Meanwhile Mike is fashioning himself as Lizzys mother bird and attempting to feed her with his finger  . Mary asks Lizzy to do her laundry in the launderette rather than treading it in the bath and hanging it up all over the garden . And trips to the launderette became a joy , a novelty having always lived with a washing machine, it was another opportunity for cameraderie and somewhere warm to go in the winter

Friends are worried she will die there ‘ hes gonna to fookin kill ya , go out and LIVE ' says Tracy . Lizzy couldnt understand what she meant  and she ran off screaming 
He isn’t really a macho man but volatile and psychotic . And it annoys her when he plays space invaders indoors on a sunny day with the curtains closed . And talks and talks all night so that she cant sleep it drives her round the bend and up the wall and back down again . If only Lizzy even knew what he is talking about but shes lost focus . And theres a cultural difference she doesnt understand . She meets him later in life and he seems very coherent talking about books and music , they have a rapport that is not there in the early days

When it all goes pear shaped they go out into the street and chant ‘ Allah Huagba ‘ . And ' Jai Shri Jagadamba ' It doesn’t really stop the violence but seems to bring them great joy and euphoria. Sometimes theyd run from the police and hide in the local Muslim cafe where an muezzin is going off

N theyre trying to build this life around Sahaja Yoga which is a very beautiful thing created by Shri Mataji who they have seen live . They listen to indian music , burn insence and try to raise the kundalini, which of course will only rise when youre not expecting it ! they have beautiful times meditating together , studying the scriptures , and sometimes come to blows over the meaning of a verse , so passionately do they feel it . Or over the lyrics of a song . They listen deeply to the songs and take the words to heart . Like Stevie Wonders part time lover turn into an argument for Lizzy and Mike , with her being cast in the role of part time lover . A view shared by some of the religious people they encounter who challenge them on their  living in sin and ask what sort of a wedding they are contemplating 
they get told these things on their rambles around central London during the night , where amongst the buskers are also Christians looking to give them redemption . A woman called Miriam confronts them about adultery 
 Shri Mataji wrote beautiful verses like one about the Shriphala tree like the growth of a mind in spirituality . Lizzy had never seen anything so genuine , beautiful and inspiring . And Sahaja Yoga was to become a lifelong interest for her . Although she didnt really like the other disciples much at the meetings where they would ' work on your chakras ' . Lizzy felt their own chakras were not in that great a state ! Not Like Shri Matajis divine chakras and the energy from herself . Which you could take home in the form of bottled holy water . And add it to your cold water tank 
this the best and worst of relationships. All the elements of passion , of shared interests , of growth . And violent  . A tragedy for both families

And sometimes you see the point of that like would you marry him ?' get him put away for it ' says Mikes sister , show some commitment  . '  how would i know with all this fighting going on i cant see the wood for the trees ' But theyre asking you to think about it  deeply . And in fact having sex in such a volatile situation is very dangerous . Bud sometimes weeps with fear for his sisters safety

But the good times are too good to let go of , rambling round London meeting friends and buskers , staying too long in eating establisments , eating their own sandwiches under the table , running from the police , chasing each other , it gives her academic body a workout . and he teaches her so much about emotional honesty , which he knows far more about than she does . Even though shes the female . Like knowing when someones not really listening , or is not speaking from the heart

And their friends in the zeitgeist are exploring similar things, some of them with the Gohonzon , there are two having a relationship based on that . So exploring eastern religions is a big thing in this 1980s era , young people seeking a new way of life based on different values , not exaclty the sleeping around of the sixties , they really feel their relationships are going to work out . Something that their therapists dont think will happen 
n is she committed ? difficult to say . if she is really committed maybe shed take his sisters advice and get something done about his behaviour 

they lie in bed listening to very emotional music like brothers in arms , talking about the lonely souls out there reaching out for each other and how theres not enough love in the world . They feel they can offer that themselves, they can take on the world , they can make a difference. they so feel this . And all the world sees is two crazy people fighting in the road in coloured socks and shorts . Being laughed at by construction workers
one Christmas after listening to Queens new album  innuendo they take to the streets with candles wishing people a happy Christmas , feeling so great

Ill get a reaction out of her Mike says to his mother as he kicks the bathroom door in . Lizzy feels its best to open the door and saunter out as if she’s not bricking it . This somehow works to de -escalate the violence . His mum says Lizzy has a knack with him. Which usually she doesn’t , the whole situation is one almighty mess. Her family are desperate for her and come banging on the door to no avail . Dad stands outside the front door for about an hour wailing for her . How could she listen and not go to him ? Her heart had been divided by the cultural gap and was now on the other side of the door . She has remorse about it
Two school friends scale the back wall and hammer on the back door which works and they gain access to the flat to ask Lizzy if she is happy

Lizzy says she’s happy with Mike. She’s madly in love , she’s having the time of her life . The friends have shown great loyalty , and they continue to turn up periodically to check on her . As does her step mother Janice

Stuart sees him off when the fighting gets too bad. And she sees off his druggy friends . His house is full of heroin smoke even in the attic where Lizzy is sleeping on her own . It gets difficult to breathe in there . They act as bouncers for each other . Until it becomes too dangerous living there with people kicking the door in , the bellowing scream of death , a drug addict in need of a fix 

edited 170125 , edited 250125




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