clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
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Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed the book into AI
I opt out of it being used to train AI
edited 010125
Lizzy bites down on his finger until he screams like an old man . the door is locked from the inside . She invokes Shri Kalki and he appears before her . They scream with laughter together and fall asleep on the grass at Trafalgar Square , the traffic thundering blissfully in their ears
Lizzy notices that if she masturbates about a man that he will turn up the next day . She is faithful to Mike only in body
she harrasses him at work where he is working as a draughtsman and destroys some of his embroidery work . if youre going to california playing in the background , the day the music died , n she knows why the music died , long before she heard it . They live out the lyrics . China Crisis you did cut me is the most iconic song of their relationship
living on £60 a week she knows poverty and hunger , sometimes Mike can afford a meal and she cant, its really tight , they argue about it , whos bread it is , Bud would also argue about bread , they all eat Hovis Granary and make toast on the electric fire . ' its alright for you , youve just had a big meal ! ' ' well stop smoking then ! ' Mike says that Lizzy could have asked for his help instead of being aggressive about it
there is Rudyard Kiplings ' If ' on the wall . and another poem about rising like a fire burning all before , Marcus Aurelius ?
Lizzy manages to stop smoking when shes given prozac althought the prozac increases her aggression , it improves her sex drive , which smoking doesnt . Mike takes her running instead of to the pub . Shes not looking after herself and forgets that her period is due , so theres blood all over her trousers which she takes back to her dads house to be washed
Lizzy manages to experience intense passion without any proper sense of loyalty , and half of her is deleriously concussed and missing her old life wanting to got back to college . Hazard is playing . shes on the toilet and somebody is kicking the door in . The music is romantic , not hearts and flowers romantic but the romance of the battle field , a centre heart explosion he calls it . She ends up hooked on prozac
one of Mikes friends Partha says that Mike is a master of black magic . And that he has ' a love potion ' How has he taken down such a strong intellectual woman ? people want to feel something even bad stuff . if youre lucky you can dissociate from physical pain , like when she goes over the handle bars of her bike she grazes her hands and kneess and feels fantastic ! other times shes injured herself very badly , screamed in pain but is somewhere else in her mind
Partha is also into Sahaja Yoga , hence his name on a white guy . Mike thinks he fancies Lizzy . So did he make up the part about the black magic ? Lizzy never sees any signs of that any seance stuff or anything . Maybe he is misusing the name of Jesus or something like that . He is born again in the same way Lizzy is , a born again anarchist doing whatever the fuck he likes
its a wonder they dont cause a fire making all that toast on the electric bar heater . N how does the room stay clean from all the crumbs ? She never sees anyone cleaning it
Mary is in the other room in her armchair with wild grey hair like in a horror film resting up for the next fight
He says that some addicts need torture therapy . There is a lifelong scar on her hand . Her just desserts for letting mother kill herself . Lizzy feels alive as never before . and embraces the submissive role recommended by Sahaja Yoga , and finds it helpful to be able to do that at times , to just be loving when all is crashing around you . Apart from the odd bout of tourette like inappropriateness and feminist rants
they have sex in Hyde Park at night and someone really creepy is watching them behind a tree so they get up grab their stuff and scarper
they play Bryan Adams run to you . But for them its not about cheating its about running to someone who is bad for you
after their first night together its snowing outside . Lizzys thin pumps let the water in but its so romantic watching the snow sliding off the laurel leaves outside , illuminating the berries , and the painful chill heightens their senses and their love for each other , the ice crunching under footshes never been sent ' a dick pic ' , Lizzies boyfriends are pretty messed up but far too interesting and sophisticated to send a dick pic
edited 020125 , edited 170125 , edited 250125
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