Thursday, 2 January 2025

love bombers second draft page 5 early life



clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork , cloud
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed the book into AI
I opt out of it being use to train AI

this work is entirely fictional 


 edited 101224
 delerious with concussion from one of her fights , she remenisces with painful nostalgia about her former life
she was born at home in 1964 , her mother was 18 and using nothing but gas. While Dad was 17 and played the guitar during the birth.  There was a cherry blossom tree outside the window in their Richmond flat . Mum felt weak afterwards so Dad changed Lizzies nappies for the first two weeks. Maybe explains why shes quite trusting of men . she was yellow with a pointed head and someone left a bottle of wine outside the door with no note 

her earliest memory was her first birthday being carried into a darkened room where there was a cake lit with candles and the family sat around underlit , an exciting memory that epecially she remembers her Dads sister there smiling at her . And when her brother was born a year later she was trying to help him get to know the teddy bears , travellling around in an enormous pram . Dad would continue to play guitar at their bed sides , mainly Donovans windy city and hush little baby 
one romantic memory  they were leaving Bognor Regis to go back to London the four of them piled into the back of the romoval van with the tailgate open so they could see Bognor disappearing in the rain in the hazy atmosphere of the 1960s . Sitting on boxes drinking hot chocolate , to a sound track of Donovan , the Beatles , JJ Cale , they were hedonisitic beatniks

back in London they had a house in West Hampstead  . At Bognor she fell down a flight of metal steps and her mother caught her just before she hit her head on the concrete . Another time she ended up upside down in the sea in her rubber ring . And fell out of a tree, her cousin cried and said ' Lizzy fall ' 

echoed years later when she became unwell mentally and their italian friends said ' Lizzy est caduta ' 

Pa made up his own invented stories for them and so did Mum . Very creative parents who would get upset if the children  were not enjoying their holiday ! one time in scotland Lizzy and Bud were playing with their soft toys and Pa said ' you could do that in a box in Neasden ' ! youd get told off for not enjoying yourself , how cool is that ! 


they were expected to go out so they went fly fishing. When Pa and his partner Janice had gone out in the car. it was raining and the burns were swollen but they caught some trout . When they arrrived back they found Lizzy and Bud were not there and were really scared ! Went looking for them by which time they were back at the house holding their catches up at the window 

in those days kids roamed free in the woods and on the streets , theyd walk through the woods to the lido with no adult and sneak in through a hole in the fence

when she was 5 they got divorced and Mum moved to the suburbs where she was sexually abused by both grand parents  

when Lizzy was 5 she had a kind of a ' sensual relationship ' with another 5 year old. In which they did pretty much everything short of actually having sex . Lizzy had not been exposed to any adult material at that age , but maybe the boy was. He invited another girl to join them but she walked off . The boys mother came in and was a bit disturbed by what she saw and said we're going out to the park now . I guess the permissive 60s affected even the children , there were other children at nursery school that wanted to do intimate things like that in West Hampstead in the late 1960s playing ' doctors and nurses ' , spanking games etc. Lizzy didnt think of it as anything particulary unsual and no adults or older children were involved 
 Lizzy as a child was spooked by ghosts and visions. Screaming for help thinking the bed was covered in spiders , a cupboard door blown open by the wind, in an old house in northumberland . Because there were two stair cases in that old house with crumbling wall paper and a smell of moth balls . Allowed drafts to build up . The cupboard door creaking in the draught made by the two stair cases seemed to be a ghost to Lizzy
it was freezing even in the summer . and youd get up early sweep the grate and make a fire before other people were awake
She felt that the adults where ' not really there ' , that nobody was really there in fact . there was alot of drinking going on every day and in retrospect those adults were more available than Lizzy felt they were
mum kept up a valliant effort until Lizzy and Bud were teenagers they even cooked and made cakes and jams together like a proper family they were , even with her as a single parent and she managed to be there for us , encouraging Lizzy and Bud  with  their school work and music practice . She didnt play piano herself but had the sense to advise Lizzy to master one bar at a time , after which Lizzys playing reallly took off and she went on to get her grade 8 
organising occasions for the extended family , taking them on holidays , she was just like a normal mum. Except she'd had to put all that on because actually she was an abused child . Apparently being a mother to small children was something she was gifted at
until when their teenage nonchalant behaviour broke her spirit and brought out her schizophrenic behaviour , pots and pans would go flying. Mother stood on a chair waving Lizzys music stand in the air saying ' i am your mother ' . they couldnt make any sense of it and Lizzy assumed it was her fault . She was already over responsible and these rages just confirmed that she was  . In fact Lizzy was taking responsiblity for other people since the day she was born , rarely crying even when she fell out of her cot  
mother would level accusations particularly at Lizzy who she felt was too concerned with her studies and not paying enough attention to her . She made 18 suicide attempts before she succeeded . Lizzy wanted a normal life as a teen and moved in with her father and his partner Janice where things were more stable .Lizzy was at Dads house so Bud was on his own with mum when she died. An overdose aided by a bottle of alcohol . She made to shush him to stop him calling the ambulance so one can only imagine the guilt and trauma that he has gone through 
she felt she was always alone always up against a monster 
Lizzy in her teens had crushes on Adam Ant and Mick Jagger both of whom she had seen live . Along with Freddie Mercury at Wembley . Lizzy lacked confidence because of her mothers illness and would feel thwarted in getting the boy she wanted . So had a habit of dating the friend of the boy she really wanted . There was an A Level study course at Oxford and a boy there that looked like Mick Jagger , who Lizzy managed to get off with in fact she tried to lose her virginity with him. And failed  . she was tense and inexperienced and Mick asked her to ' put some effort into it ' ! which she took to heart and made a point of with her next sexual encounter . He had to go back to Devon where he had a girlfriend but turned up in London a few years later and was again interested in Lizzy who had anorexia by then and was in a relatiohship with Jez
Lizzys parents considered themselves ' beatniks ' , 1960s hippies , they loved to camp and travel around . she was concieved in a tent on mount Snowdon apparently while they were unmarried. Mums parents said they must marry so they did , before Lizzy was born . By all accounts they had a great sex life until things went wrong after having the children. The furniture was always second hand or part of the rental . Dad was a hack journalist in his own words and went on to make tv programms and publish books . She grew up around alot of intellectual conversation , the philosophy of ' the absurd ' and was in her teens an atheist with a strong work ethic and much more mature than her years . A work ethic and not much of any other kind of ethic . A counterfeit adult , as Mike was to prove 


a mostly good childhood apart from mothers mental illness and suicide , which put Lizzy on the wrong track in life , she solidered on through university until she left home and then the shit hit the fan 

 edited 180125  , edited 250125

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