Wednesday, 1 January 2025

love bombers second draft page 4 breaking the law , extra MIke notes

 clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed the book into AI
I opt out of it being used to train AI

the book is entirely fictional

 edited 010125

 the first time is on holiday in Italy with Bud and their friends  , they are stealing things from a deli . they are not short of money . This is the kind of dare you do in 1980s England , a badge of honour . Lizzy is not very good at it , lifts a sauasage from the display and stands there laughing hysterically with Jez telling her to put it back ! 
they jump over train barriers and bunk fares , especially on the run from danger. Theres a booming voice over the tannoy YOU HAVE BEEN SEEN JUMPING OVER THE BARRIERS  
she tries illegal drugs , only cannabis and LSD. And mushrooms which is pretty much like LSD . They accept rent from friends while claiming benefits . Fuck the system ! she carries a lump of cannabis through Victoria station

with such a stormy relationship going on and also Buds problems in her life she doesnt feel able to work and goes to a psychiatrist to help claim benefits . Even accepts the drugs they offer her , starting with prozac  And attends wierd interviews with the dwp where youre asked to touch your toes and take a pen out of your pocket which she says she cant do . Shes delaying the terrible day when she actually has to surrender to real hospital treatment , ' a period of observation ' as one psychologist puts it . in the meantime she needs the money to pay the psychologist 

 she listens to the Fun Lovin Criminals and chooses clothes that make her look wierd 

 edited 250125




 Mike extra notes 

they have sex in Hyde Park at night and someone really creepy is watching them behind a tree so they get up grab their stuff and scarper 

they play Bryan Adams run to you but its not about cheating its about running to someone who is bad for you 

after their first night together its snowing outside . Lizzys thin pumps let the water in but its so romantic watching the snow sliding off the laurel leaves outside , illuminating the berries , and the painful chill heightens their senses and their love for each other

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