clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed the book into AI
I opt out of it being used to train AI the book is entirely fictional
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed the book into AI
I opt out of it being used to train AI the book is entirely fictional
Stuart sees Mike off when the fighting gets too bad. And she sees off his druggy friends . The squat is full of heroin smoke even in the attic where Lizzy is sleeping on her own . It gets difficult to breathe in there . They act as bouncers for each other . Until it becomes too dangerous living there with people kicking the door in trying to recoup drug debts and turning out jars of coins . She fights with Stuart and she fights with Bud . One time she pushes Stuart down a flight of stairs during an argument , the bellowing scream of death , a drug addict in need of a fix
Lizzys relationship with Mike actually ends when Stuart hits her on the forehead . They are arguing about bills and she throws a bucket of water at him . He punches her squarely in the forehead and at that moment she realises she needs help . So she goes into town and through the doors of the mental health treatment centre , or the daycentre they call it
She talks to a social worker who directs her to a coffee lounge full of people with mental illnesses . Lizzy feels she has arrived ! About 20 Mikes in one room ! Lizzy is drawn to these people because of her mothers schizophrenia . Its all she knows . They seem like very sensitive intuitive people , all with interesting and harrowing stories to tell
And there she meets Simon who is very different from Mike hes more macho although has a big softie side as well , like a huge grizzly bear . He chats her up by reading her mind and ‘ understanding her pain ‘ , throwing in a few negging insults as well as guys tend to these days as part of foreplay . ' youve got thick ankles ' Lizzy is smitten and they walk off down the road towards his flat in the halfway house The Juggs . He asks if she wants to be his girlfriend and she accepts and holds his battered old soldier hand
Lizzys relationship with Mike actually ends when Stuart hits her on the forehead . They are arguing about bills and she throws a bucket of water at him . He punches her squarely in the forehead and at that moment she realises she needs help . So she goes into town and through the doors of the mental health treatment centre , or the daycentre they call it
She talks to a social worker who directs her to a coffee lounge full of people with mental illnesses . Lizzy feels she has arrived ! About 20 Mikes in one room ! Lizzy is drawn to these people because of her mothers schizophrenia . Its all she knows . They seem like very sensitive intuitive people , all with interesting and harrowing stories to tell
And there she meets Simon who is very different from Mike hes more macho although has a big softie side as well , like a huge grizzly bear . He chats her up by reading her mind and ‘ understanding her pain ‘ , throwing in a few negging insults as well as guys tend to these days as part of foreplay . ' youve got thick ankles ' Lizzy is smitten and they walk off down the road towards his flat in the halfway house The Juggs . He asks if she wants to be his girlfriend and she accepts and holds his battered old soldier hand
the Juggs is away down a lane isolated from the town surrounded by tall dark trees . There are people there who have come out of prisons , mental hospitals, operations , drug addicts, one man has just had a brain operation . They form their own spontaneous support group , urging each other to live
At his flat he shows her his music collection , she throws her arms around him and kisses him . ‘ that’s what I like to see ‘ he says , although he is hesitant to have sex on the first night Lizzy seems to have set her heart on it . Too easy as she would later learn . He is smitten though and wants to marry her . Even though they have sexual difficulties that doesn’t always matter when you are in love
He helps her to leave the squat and to get her own flat in the Juggs where she lives for a year and has her door kicked in several times by burglars . They steal £90 out of the electricity meter and Lizzy has to pay that back to the council ! The council also will not allow extra locks to be installed because they need to be able to get in if someone is injured. A Kafka esque existence
Simon doesnt like it when she goes back to Stuarts to collect her stuff , sometimes staying the night over there because she misses her life with Bud
He has biker friends who do things like driving with their eyes closed for a lark . They play fight with Lizzy and consider Simon lucky to have her . They throw wild parties where cannabis is consumed. And do blow backs . Simon has epilepsy , bipolar and self harm . She heals a trapped nerve in his back, intuitively using her thumb to locate the point where the tension is
One time they have an argument and she calls him a piss head . He takes a glass bottle , smashes it and uses it to cut his hands . There is blood everywhere . Somehow it all gets cleaned up before they entertain his friends for dinner . Lizzy is really into cooking and people are impressed . They try for a baby but fortunately that doesn’t happen .
Lizzy is in denial about being on the rebound and Simon is more sensitive than she realises he says . He senses she still has feelings for Mike and responds by cheating on her . People tell her about it and she doesn’t believe them . He says he will kill Mike . ‘ I know a lot more than what you think I know Lizzy ‘ ‘ you haven’t been through very much ‘ he says
one time Mike turns up in the pub where she is with Simon and he says ' look she doesnt drink ok leave her alone '
Lizzy helps Simon to get a council flat , she knows how to argue with the manager and on one occasion tape records her . The lady leaves after she hears an ominous click . Realising she has given Lizzy a lecture about marriage and living together ! To save on housing stock ! She asks Lizzy if Simons drinking is a problem
Simons drinking is a problem but more the symptom of a problem . Going back to a childhood in and out of care homes, child abuse , mental hospitals , neglectful treatments that involve medication and no talking therapies . Lizzy fights to get him a therapist but it doesn’t go on for very long . Its not enough and Lizzy gets the brunt of it when its removed from him . Just as he was working through being raped by his father . Lizzy listens to tape recordings of his therapy and writes it up , they are planning a book
Her own therapist suggests she hire a stud ! Because of her high sex drive . A chilling suggestion Lizzy feels
The sex with Simon is more of a fuck whereas with Mike it was a making love thing . N she’s just lost really , lost in the woods with nowhere to call home , alienated from her family and from society . With Simon she is able to take on some voluntary work with a view to working but the goal posts keep changing , the disability job clubs are closed like the youth clubs and community hubs . Leaving service users to struggle with each others needs at home . And retreat onto their computers
But she is in love with Simon and sex is always good when you love someone even if it has no beginning and no end . Lizzy doesn’t always think about how it should have ended , she’s not that experienced . Hes gorgeous looking and she fancies him is all she knows . Metallica is playing on the cassette player , enter Sandman , the unforgiven , their favourite band . Never met a mental health patient who didnt like Metallica
they get hold of a porn magazine with a model called Lizzy and sneak away from the group . Simon calls her a bitch . Shes good at solving her boyfriends sexual difficulties , shes read about it in magazines , and has talked a man through his ejacualtion problem . it has to do with trust of course
they go out and buy huge boxes of food to feed his friends . One of them is called Clark , what a character he is , he was rescued from an abusive home . Always hungry , and so so funny he looks like a cartoon , really classy little guy . He'll walk into the toilet after youve been and say ' did somebody die in here ' We crack up watching Lenny Henry together . Another guy is a fireman who has been put on sickness benefit and layed off from the fire brigade because ' he knows too much ' . So they class him as mentally ill . He is also hungry . And they invite alot of people with mental illnesses round for dinner , seeing nothing wrong with them
Simon will buy her flowers when he feels guilty about something
Eventually things start to blow up physically which again is largely her fault as shes pushed him in the chest during an argument . He loses control and stands over her ready to strike
She knows at that point that she is really in danger , so she has to sweet talk the mighty man
Who then turns around and smashes his fist into a glass door
Doh she really walks into that one
He also accidentally knocks one of her teeth out in bed
Which oddly enough one of their schizophrenic friends has predicted
He is very gorgeous looking and considered ‘ a catch ‘ with local women
In spite of his claiming sickness benefits . And she still has to be careful not to flirt with him
If they bump into each other in town . Really difficult sometimes bumping into an ex . its as if you have unfinished business with all of them , that ' what if ' going on . He has beautiful deep singing voice
One time she tries to go back to him which is like opening Pandoras box
And gets badly burned when she finds out he has a new girlfriend .
Lizzy is madly in love with Simon and a part of that never goes away
She knows at that point that she is really in danger , so she has to sweet talk the mighty man
Who then turns around and smashes his fist into a glass door
Doh she really walks into that one
He also accidentally knocks one of her teeth out in bed
Which oddly enough one of their schizophrenic friends has predicted
He is very gorgeous looking and considered ‘ a catch ‘ with local women
In spite of his claiming sickness benefits . And she still has to be careful not to flirt with him
If they bump into each other in town . Really difficult sometimes bumping into an ex . its as if you have unfinished business with all of them , that ' what if ' going on . He has beautiful deep singing voice
One time she tries to go back to him which is like opening Pandoras box
And gets badly burned when she finds out he has a new girlfriend .
Lizzy is madly in love with Simon and a part of that never goes away
the ultimate ' bad boy ' he is , comes across as bad but really very sweet
edited 030124 and 040125 and 180125 , edited 250125
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