Monday, 16 December 2024

re edit page 7 psychiatry


  clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed the book into AI
I opt out of it being use
mental health treatment has improved since Lizzys mother was a patient , although still very focused on medication with not enough talking treatment, the medications themselves are much improved and less heavy on the system. her mother was used for drug trials and some of what she had has now been banned , like bolvidan and imipramine . Lizzy asks to see her mothers records and they are extremely short , which Lizzy understands to mean there has been a cover up . her mother was extremely neglected, recieved no talking treatments and was in and out of the psychiatric hospital
nobody addresses the phenomenon that nearly all the patients have been traumatised in their early years , ususally by sexual abuse , but sometimes due to a war or the suicide of a relative , a young life in a childrens home that sort of thing . One of the patients she meets has been shot in his groin and says  hes unable to have sex . shes sitting in the smoking room at the mental health day centre, hearing all this trauma , empathising with it , and knowing that THE STAFF are not doing that ! the staff are worse than the patients for being aggressive and having vibes about stuff 

another cause of schizophrenia is mixed race heritage , obviously not in all cases but being say half Irish and half English is quite a common cause of mental illness , with a history going back of these people being looked after by nuns . One is always at war with oneself feeling a huge ton of guilt at being unable to please ones different peoples
the patients are made to shut up , told there is something wrong with them and that theyre being a nuisance . Theyve been abused , theyve been told they imagined it , they were making it up , they just want to harm their abusers reputation, they were NOT abused they are told . And RD Laing had alot to say about these double messages 
then along comes the dwp and tells you there is nothing wrong with you ! 
in fact double messages can in themselves produce schizophrenia without any actual other abuse taking place . Being torn between two warring parents . Which untreated can result in actual psychosis which responds to medication . Compounding the idea that there is something wrong with the patient . And thats not to say they should come off their meds !  they have develped a real illness which they wouldnt have if theyd been understood earlier on

the patient develops a disabled persona that helps them survive in a world not built to recognise their truth , they are encouraged to ' do activities ' and make small talk which again is sometimes helpful . But theyll never fully recover unless their original story is given a voice 

Lizzy visits a Greek lady called Jasmin in her care homes. She said her parents disappeared when she was five and she was given a lubosectomy , which is a form of lobotomy . Lizzy can well believe it . if youve no family you are at the mercy of the doctors who can pretty much do whatever they like with you . Jasmin is also deprived of her liberty and not allowed out of the care homes . Where Lizzy also witnesses patients being put on the toilet with the door open and elderly people being shoved into their wheelchairs . there is a smell of school dinners and the heating up too high
 Jasmin wants to give Lizzy a crystal ball from her collection  . And a nurse holds Jasmins hand down on a cupboard until she cries out in pain . Lizzy somehow goes home with an egg shaped crystal ball which she buries in the garden . She doesnt report the incident for fear she will not be allowed to visit again . Another member of staff must have come in and taken over

Once Lizzy receieves the right therapy things begin to improve and she does a bit of barefoot caring for the other patients where she can , trying to humanise their experiences and acknowledge their traumas. She gets mobbed and sometimes has to prune back this work . She getts mobbed, assaulted , harrassed and stalked by the other patients who see that she possesses a key to this . And they wont always put in the work needed to help themselves , sometimes they are just too damaged . Lizzy sometimes has to wait patiently for years for a friend to feel better . And she doesnt know how to protect herself 
she will be standing at a bus stop in the dark and a patient will come up behind her and start talking to the back of her head . Happened a few times. occasionally its sexual harrasment . more often its stuff that needs a therapist . its shocking to be spoken to from behind . the person talking as if they are in the middle of something they were already talking about . it makes Lizzy feel like a blob  , like shes not human and doesnt even have a gender . to feel like a lady must be an incredible luxury she feels
and shes also been sometimes followed in the dark , one man followed her onto a bus outside a treatment centre , in the dark and she managed to lose him 

its all very desexualising ! being involved with disability and mental health it can be. Lizzy has refused to let that happen to her and has enjoyed relationships with men on and off line , making the most of her free time to be creative with it . And to write about her experiences which seem to be quite unique . Something to do while youre house bound ! and has discovered these other ' spots ' between the g spot and the c spot . Next theyll be saying the disabled can work from their beds ! 

People do try to rip off her work  , disrespectful and exploitatitve considering its the work of someone with a profound disablity , her last gasp of breath . its appropriation in some cases . Its a mystery why people do this they want to watch her masturbating in her bedroom to the point where theyll try to send in micro drones if they think she is preparing to do it , before she shuts the windows ! theyll plead with her to throw off the sheet so they can see her actual vulva in the convulsing of an orgasm 
Lizzy wonders if a micro drone can actually work its way under the sheet 

 and then having been told by a psychiatrist that there is something wrong with you , along come the dwp to tell you there is nothing wrong with you ! if it were not for the medication shed have jumped off a cliff 

n how she got from making up her illness , to making up her wellness when they decide to section her in 2013 . Lizzy thought it perfectly reasonable to complain about the satellite cameras trained on her bedroom . n also easy to step into her mothers shoes who must have also had paranoid schizophrenia , n maybe Mike too . Mother thought the IRA were bugging her radiators


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