clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed the book into AI
I opt out of it being used to train AI the book is entirely fictional
edited 100125
Trevor is a very good looking man who actually attends the mental health day centre , along with some other very powerful patients . Including ' the Author ' as Lizzy calls her , they are friends, and a fireman who is not mentallly ill, a powerhouse of gossip and intelligence
shes seen Trevor around before but not really paid much attention to him, hes not a ' wild boy ' , but more looks like a gentleman . And one day he shows an interest in Lizzy and she notices his movie star looks . Like a cross between George Clooney and Al Pacino . And shes smitten with his smouldering glittering eyes
they go out to the pub with other friends from the day centre , the banter around ' men versus women ' challenges of class and the superiority of the mentally ill . They plan to form a kind of support group . Trevors friend Chris asks Lizzy if she wants to be used as a breeding horse . And she says there are other ways to mate like using a turkey baster . Trevor says that Lizzy has ' no blood ' and she says he has ' no chi ' and they go on negging each other like that much to the hilarity of the other friends , they irritate each other and build up a craving for sex
Lizzy makes jokes about marriage and having to spend your life in the same bed and how shes too angry for that ' do you take this man to stagnate with for the rest of your life ' ? to share the pipe and slippers and to sit bored at sunday lunch . He was maverick and called the Author and Mavis a bunch of harridans . Well Lizzy should have defended them but they had been giving her a lecture and well ... she should have defended them anyway
the Author senses Lizzys interest in Trevor and at an all girls session informs her that he has unfinished business with his ex girlfriend Wren . Well Lizzy has heard that Wren is doing her friends husband . And feels that the Authors warning is not valid . At least the way she puts it , although maybe a warning was warranted but not that warning . They didnt have unfinished business
What ensues is that Trevor tells Lizzy she is ' too easy ' and that she is to keep their relationship a secret . Which is kind of worrying , although considering what they do at Charlottes house might be understandable
Lizzy tempts Trevor away from the pub with a bag of naughty dressing up
clothes , aiming for Charlottes house round the corner , where they have
sex in front of her and she films it . Lizzy doesnt get to see the
film but has some stills and worries who might find them in between the
leaves of some large books that she cant actually find
she also invites Trevor round to help her with her new computer , he being an expert on such things , she could manage that without him but she wants an excuse to get closer to him
she is very hurt that Trevor goes to Clouds party and kisses her , after
having Fleur arrested and tortured . To win her back her back. only to
then kiss Cloud at a ' meat face ' !
because he tells her to keep their relationship secret. because
people would interfere he says . so when he moves on to Cloud she
assumes she has been used and throws a wobbler. she finds him and Cloud
hacking into her mail box from a pub and has an argument right there inside the
mail box with the hackers in which she criticises his sexual perfomance
, which isnt really true considering she wants him back
she is complicit in it , having betrayed the ' woke ' part of her that
has developed over her adult life . Returning to the ambitious egotism
of her origins . And indeed he does seem to have stepped straight out
of her family ...
she is 40 and feels that she wants Trevors baby . He raises the topic of
contraception and Lizzy tells him she is using the cap . Well you are
supposed to put fresh spermicide on it every 3 hours and she lets it go
over that . That afternoon Trevor doesnt want to have sex with her ! How
does he know ! he says ' Lizzy this is not about marriage and babies ' !
ironically Cloud is all about marriage and babies and he has the best
rapport with her . he has a rapport with her that Lizzy has not seen him
having with anybody else , you know like when you can chat for hours . She brings him out of himself and seems to enjoy doing so
presents himself at the mental health day centre as a patient , which
he had been . And Lizzy jokes that hes actually head of the psychiatric
department , little knowing how true her joke is ! Hes actually very
high up in intelligence and can do things like cutting you off from
online meetings , hacking your email, posting spam in there . He's on
top of the world ! He tells Lizzy that he can kill people by messing with the authorities
he gives Lizzy a lecture . She is floored ! when he leaves she goes on a
train journey to escape her pain . Later emailing him from her first
ever computer, a little i mac cube , to say that she is now free to see other men. He didnt
like that idea and they carry on in secret until he introduces her to
the internet forums
she sees stuff about coercive relationships and starts to question
their ' arrangment / situationship ' . And you can never really leave the
internet once you know about it , because real life peeps are carrying
those memes
has that same kind of ' high functioning ' thing that Lizzies family
have , urging her to be ambitious and then saddling her with
responsibilty for the sickest person in the group . Stretched in two
directions and broken . Shouted at , ignored , gaslighted, and given no
agency . All stuff that is very familiar to her she feels used to it ,
and assumes a ' person in the home ' type of role
A healer once told her that she is ' carrying the guilt of the family ' , a thing she didnt really understand
swallows Trevors sperm because she wants to know more about him and
it contains information . And she is actually in love with him. He is someone she wants to be friends with even if they split up , they are both interested in classical art and music , classical culture , and western memes , highly educated pedigrees
in fact Lizzy is probably in intelligence herself if she were not so paranoid
and they dance so gracefully together at parties . Like two classical daemons , minotaurs amongst the classical columns , Just she should be more ' Jane Austen ' about things . Not because the Author tells her so . But because its more spiritual . She should keep more of a distance , be more aloof and not give so much away
not give away her whole body at once, for instance
Fleur is the internet lover who lures her away from Trevor with his woke banter and introduces her to ' cyber sex ' which is not webcam sex its more like a response to each others poetry . Some of those orgasms are the best ever being free to fantasise about him on her own . Trevor is not happy about this , has Fleur arrested and then goes to a party at Clouds place where he kisses her . Leaving Lizzy bewildered as to what is going on . and shes just discovered the internet she doesnt think internet stuff is really real
edited 220125