this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , if youve come to take the mick or steal something you are not welcome . i opt out of this being used to train AI . thankyou
Lizzy is being chased by a man holding a pane of glass over his head Shes trying to get to Stuarts house . Its London in the 1980s
Stuart deals drugs and is mentally unwell , hes on benzos . The sound of him screaming is like nothing on earth , like the gates of hell have opened and the werewolf is coming for you . He watches a lot of porn and has actually made some . They showed her a snippet . Refers to his girlfriend as ‘ quality ‘ without the t
she can hear the men talking from another room , about the smell of women vaginas and where their piss comes out of . Apparently a 27 year old is ‘ quite an old filly ‘ . Maverick characters gather around him not really knowing who he is , musicians, dealers, travellers ,
One time she came home to find head lice on her pillow , and another time there was a couple high on something having sex in her bed . Big men would break into the house to recover drug debts
Lizzy was worried she would be used as ‘ payment ‘
Lizzy and Debbie are quite tough as girls go but its still dangerous in there . They didn’t quite know what was going on until Debbies boyfriend Scooby points it out . Lizzy has a small backpack packed ready to get away at any time and sometimes has to sleep outside to keep safe
Stuarts girlfriend knows nothing about the porn he watches every night , it’d only upset her
The kitchen is always a tip
One night Stuarts girlfriend Lindsey walks in on him when hes watching porn and does her nut
“ You fucking bastard how do you think this makes me feel ? Like some kind of glorified social worker “
“Well stop acting like one then , you’ve got your fucking cyber relationships , go and bitch about me to Brenda and get out of my room “
He saunters down the road to the other dealers house . Nobody knows about it apart from his house fellows . The police wanted Lizzy to tell them where the dealers lived which would have put her in danger of reprisals , so she said she didn’t know
She met a guy called Mike who’s a bit of a computer nerd and refreshing for her after living with Stuart . Mike says hes not into porn . Famous last words she thinks … He doesn’t drink or smoke , you could say hes a bit emo straight edged as they called it back in the 1980s . Back when drug addiction and mental health issues became cool
Lizzy told the police she is on medication and they left her alone , but were not concerned about her living in the attic in a drug den
Mike was a sweet guy until he met Lizzy . Unfortunately she brought out the werewolf in him. He wasn’t usually violent but she felt he might be and his rages would terrify her . But he was full of adventure and adrenalin and she found him very exciting and different from other guys. Taking her to realms of experience she'd never seen in her academic life
edited 261124
021124 10 am
021124 7.40 pm
241124 the sound of Stuart screaming is like nothing on earth
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