clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork , cloud
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed the book into AI
I opt out of it being useto train AI
191124 9pm
Lizzy would go into her grandparents room in the morning and theyd be playing french radio news with their teas made , about 6.30 am . Growing up in that atmosphere she tended to take the mick , sometimes recording their conversations eg one of them about God , she'd play it back to them which caused much hilarity
when she was about five she was on her own in a room and wondered if she were not there if the sounds she could hear would exist . When she told her relatives they were very impressed , apparently Galileo had said this
as a child she read Dickens, Turgenyev , Dostoyevsky , the Mill on the Floss , Lark Rise to Candleford , Middle march , In her teens got into Kafka Sartre and Tolstoy . She was a slow reader but really stopping to take it all in
her family were journalists and intellectuals, professors , who believed in ' the absurd ' which shes not really studied but understands to be a rejection of religion. Grandfather said its a fundamental intellectual error to believe in a power other than yourself
And Lizzy would agree in rejecting alot of what religion offers. But with Mike she had a powerful experience which had nothing to do with churches , more like a rock n roll trippy explosion of lightning . After she came off all the substances
her intellectual relatives had to endure the subequent mental illness and bad behaviour , self destruction and her rejection of them . And they stood firm for her until she was ready to come back somewhat repentant
at architecture college she wrote and essay on phenomenology which was much admired by the tutor although he might have fancied her . Then at the squat she started reading about zen and tried meditation and she perished . her intellect is not always available to her as its seen as uncaring , unfeminine , unloving . And gives people the impression that she is strong , she is fine , doesnt need any help , and its quickly crushed under these pressures . And she'll often defer to a man if there is one around , if she feels shes coming across as a ball breaker
edited 041224 9.30 pm
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