this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK . if youve come to take the piss or steal something you are not welcome . i opt out of having this used to train AI
By then she was with Simon
having left Mike . The sex was more of a fuck than the making love shed
had with Mike . She was on the rebound , grieving for Mike and hoping
Simon wouldn’t notice . But of course he said he knows more than she
thinks he knows ! He was very hurt and she thinks cheated on her
probably by the looks of things
Out of the frying pan into the fire !
Simon had epilepsy which would worsen when he drank
He had asthma and a trapped nerve
Which Lizzy intuitively cured with a massage , feeling her way along the nerve
One time he’d self harmed and she visited him in hospital
With his injuries all bandaged up and she had to drag him across the floor .
He was a really big bloke , muscly but not fat , like a bear he was
They’d entertain other addicts and mental health patients round his place
Cooking up big meals of the kind they made in squats
Rice with chicken and tuna, and chopped vegetables
Maybe a bit of garlic and ginger it was all made up
The hallway smelled of dog piss. There was a lovely dog that had to pee on the floor
Which was then cleaned with a very distinctive chemical cleaner
Hed buy her flowers when he felt guilty about something . She thought she could ‘ fix ‘ him
Until she herself went to rehab and learned to ‘ focus on herself ‘
she’d ask him for ‘ a talk ‘ which he didn’t really want to do
Eventually things started to blow up physically which again was largely her fault as shed pushed him in the chest during an argument
He lost control and stood over her ready to strike
She knew at that point that she was really in danger , so she had to sweet talk the monster
Who then turned around and smashed his fist into a door
Doh she really walked into that one
He also accidentally knocked one of her teeth out in bed
Which oddly enough one of their schizophrenic friends had predicted
He was very gorgeous looking and considered ‘ a catch ‘ with local women
In spite of his claiming sickness benefits . And she still has to be careful not to flirt with him
If they bump into each other in town
One time she tried to go back to him which was like opening Pandoras box
And got badly burned when she found out he had a new girlfriend .
Lizzy was madly in love with Simon and a part of that never goes away
And right in the middle of that crisis there appeared Lee. Who Lizzy had dreamt about vividly before she met him. This was also in the mental health day centre . The affair was like being on holiday in his sea side flat . And that’s where she orgasmed a lot during sex
Which doesn’t mean the rest of the relationship was any good . Athough they had fun cross dressing and filming themselves having sex
When they have a feminine side they can really tune into a woman’s desires
And he in turn felt Lizzy had a male side , which people don’t usually notice
As she wears dresses and acts feminine and submissive most of the time
So maybe she also could tune into a mans desires as he did hers
N male sexuality isn’t all bad , its full of adrenalin and excitement
If you’re lucky enough to catch some of that
Lee was at computer college and 10 years younger than Lizzy . Lizzy lied about her age because she wanted him . They were friends with his ex girlfriend and her new boyfriend
And Lee put some porn through their letter box . He also flashed some porn magazines
On a night bus to entertain the clubbers . One of his friends showed off how he could drive with his eyes closed
edited 271124
051124 1.45 pm
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