clockwork is on the war path
Al fayed is innocent , please can you not abduct Dev for mating duties
this blog is copyright of LIZARIKK , throw , clockwork
harpie , bisto , chops , identity thief , bobble are not welcome
My book is called The Love Bombers by Lacey Ember
see below please , hunnie is not welcome to it , she wants to feed the book into AI
I opt out of it being used to train AI
flash mobs , street theater , actresses stopping outside Lizzys window to yak , percussion from neighbours , fireworks , to deliver subliminals , usually about whatever man Lizzy is interested in . Whispering to her of his infidelities . Sometimes its true sometimes it isnt . In restaurants actresses will positioin themselves near her saying things like ' soft soap the nurses ' , or ' shes been so much better since shes been with a woman '
she switches on the tv to more subliminals, adverts aimed at influencing her , a brash chorus of crass jokes and malicious jibes . sometimes intended to protect her but just really irritating when youre aware of it
their web cams leave cookie trails that put their wives and girlfriends at risk
Lizzy feels abused when their cam girls track her down online and shame her age and appearance in order to enhance their own orgasms . Her interpetation of the Leveson Enquiry that its about the extent of media intrusion , given that its impossible to get rid of the technology . Some women realising theyre being watched , play up to the camera realising it can get them places if they do a good orgasm
so we're in a sense complicit although nobody has any choice about it . But with greater transparency people would be better informed about their bedroom footage , and would have the choice to draw the curtains , cover themselves with a sheet , or cover the computers
land of the free ? well relatively so yes . but more work to be done , to break down the zerzetzung , bandwagons , sanctions, even assassination if you stray from the norm for instance if you love someone the state hasnt approved for you . Lizzy believes that it should be possible to keep a peaceful status quo while allowing more alternative voices to be heard
during her illness she masturbated in quite a few public toilets with people banging on the door complaining including the janitors . Shed go to a place where she felt powerless like the doctors surgery and do it in their loos . Another time she was in a park in the rain looking for a mouse to put into her vagina , but was confronted by the park warden . those were dark lonely times , masturbating in woodlands, a disused railway track , dangerous places, outside the half way house , an empty warehouse .
it felt like a good way to appreciate nature looking at trees while she orgasmed
and she doesnt want to end up being tortured for her disclosures
one of Lizzys friends from the day center said there is something wrong with Trevor , she had a dream about it , and this affected Lizzy and stuck with her . Not usually does she remember other peoples dreams
when Lizzy jumped out of the window she had been reading an article about Bitcoin and interpreted that we are all going to be sold to the global elite . She felt she had to do something to stand for our humanity . And stand she did and was sectioned for it , where there was no internet available . there was even some joy in it all being off the internet for a while and honing her communciation skills , she got very good at negotiating what she wanted to watch on tv . Trevor has watched over all this with some good husbandry , although never contacts her even though he has her details
in fact she had a fling with a man she didnt love when she was very unwell , she made it clear to him that she wasnt in love. He promised to use a condom but probably didnt although Lizzy was half unconscious from some amyl nitrate he had held up to her nose , a very caustic substance a friend of hers was hospitalised for . The man became verbally abusive afterwards and Lizzy cut off all contact with him
Lizzy is now ' a protected beach ' which she very much appreciates , although what happens when she reduces her meds and starts to come to life ? in fact even the doctors have hurried this along
Trevor is very much an ' alpha male ' with the attendent reticence about feelings , he could have struck while the iron was hot . Before he got this mysterious relationship with a refugee
who he opens up with ! and lets his guard down with her . And yet its as if Lizzy is the wife and shes the mistress . A wife he never speaks to and shes sure a story that many women will relate to
so why not ' modernise ' the situation , recognise Lizzy as a colleague and stop restricting her movements
Dev is more communicative with her and is friends with Jez and other members of the watchdog . A possibilty for things to be different
edited 281124
111124 9 pm
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